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对身边人品头论足,是我们的天性使然。It is in our nature to judge the people around us.

一旦人们开始谈论他们自己,就不会去对你品头论足了。Once people start talking about themselves, they don't judge you.

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停止抱怨,停止对中国的品头论足,重新奋斗吧!Stop complaining, stop criticizing China and go back to hard work!

不要对别人品头论足,当然称赞他人的外表是必要的。When people ask you how you are, tell them and then ask them how they are.

媒体界似乎每个人都想对日本发生的灾难品头论足一番。Everyone in the media world seems to have an opinion on the crisis in Japan.

当你热爱你的工作时,你不会对别人个人的失败品头论足。When you love your job you don't gossip about the personal failings of others.

这也许是因为他们想向旁人证明某事的需求变小了,也因为他们不想在娱乐的时候被人品头论足。Perhaps the need to prove something to others is less they do not feel judged while having fun.

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尽管你应该无视嘲讽者的品头论足,但是你要保证自己能听到周围的声音,以知道自己是否处于危险中。Although you should ignore heckler's comments, you need to hear them to know if you're in danger.

小院在露西丈夫的打理之下显得格外漂亮,人们都不免对那里品头论足,夸奖称赞一番。Lucy's husband brought the yard to a beautiful state. Everybody admired and remarked on its condition.

这家伙可以肆意地批评任何人,可为什么除了我,就没有任何人对他的发型品头论足呢?The guy's so loudly critical of everyone else – why doesn't anyone but me scream at him over his hair?

她是个迷人的姑娘,她不会因为别人的品头论足而分心,她只专心于工作。She was an attractive girl who never allowed herself to be distracted by the comments and got on with her job.

无论他做了什么,他肯定不该被一个像你那样的未经世事的孩子夸张地品头论足。Whatever he may have done, he certainly deserves more than to be harangued by an unseasoned boy like yourself.

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我觉得你只要尽力就好。我不知道。就像一开始,我也对美国文化有些品头论足的倾向,I guess you just try. I don't know. Like at the start, I was like a bit judgmental about, like, the American culture

博客使得每个人都可以写作、编辑、设计和出版自己的新闻产品,并被数以百计的人阅读和品头论足。With Blog, everyone can write, edit, design and publish his own news product which will be read by hundreds of people.

郭说他是我们的金牌主持,有史以来我们第一次在电视节目上对我们国家经济的健康运行品头论足。"He's our star anchor, " Mr. Guo says. "For the first time we're examining the health of the nation with a television program.

这一切,当然都是我父亲的杰作,而我,只是个品鲜茗香、品头论足,舞风弄月自称的墨客而已。All this, of course, are my father's masterpiece, and I, just a matter of fresh fragrant, commenting, dance wind month claiming poet.

这次曝光使得这位梳着标志性短发、戴着香奈尔墨镜的时尚女王,一举击败了同坐在伸展台前品头论足的同业。This publicity put Wintour, with her trademark bobbed hair and black Chanel sunglasses, a head above her rivals who sit alongside her in the critical front-row of fashion shows.

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追本溯源的话,你几乎总能在任何争执中发现诸如发号施令,品头论足,或公然侮辱之类的做法,自然惹得对手恶狠狠地回应。If traced to its beginnings, one can almost always find in any dispute some direction, criticism, or outright insult that the other person reacted to with predictable antagonism.

此前的历届峰会,与会列国也大多环绕着这些话题讨价还价,折冲樽俎,并对差别版本的区域经济一体化构想品头论足,争论不休。On each of earlier summits, participating countries generally negotiated over these issues, reached compromises, and debated on different versions of regional economic integration.

这些事情都在我成为明星后开始让我苦恼,因为最初你可能会觉得自己长得不错,但越来越多的人对你的长相指手画脚,品头论足后你就渐渐失去自信,觉得自己长了难看的嘴、难看的鼻子和难看的四肢。They are all things you start to focus on. You start off thinking you're okay, then you have to go to some event and you remember you have a weird mouth, a broken nose and horrible legs.