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这只鸸鹋来自本地一家农场。This emu came from a local farm.

鸸鹋和袋鼠不会后退。Emus and kangaroos can't walk backwards.

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乘黄坑至太平龙湾的公共汽车途经鸸鹋生态园。Wo to peaceful means of a bus Emu Ecological Garden.

其中鸸鹋代万和澳洲鹤布拉咖这样的两头巨型猛兽。Dinewan the EmuBralagah the Brolga were two such animals.

其中鸸鹋代万和澳洲鹤布拉咖就是这样的两头巨型猛兽。Dinewan the Emu and Bralagah the Brolga were two such animals.

同时,由于资源独揽,英吉利是亚洲唯一的鸸鹋油出口商。At the same time, due to resource arrogate English in Asia, the only emu oil exporters.

我发现最佳的使用方法就是是羊胎素作为日霜和这款鸸鹋霜作为晚霜同时使用效果更佳。I also find out that it is best to use Placenta Cream as a day cream & Emu as a night cream.

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她的妈妈之前由于受到鸸鹋的惊吓而逃跑,途中六个月大的狄佳娜从育儿袋中跌落下来。Her mother, after being scared by an emu, ran away and six-month-old Tijana fell from the pouch.

澳洲盾徽是根据鸸鹋和袋鼠不能倒着走路的原因而设计的。Emus and kangaroos cannot walk backwards, and are on the Australian coat of arms for that reason.

使得皮肤感觉清新自在更光泽,澳大利亚鸸鹋油包含天然的澳洲鸸鹋油。Australian Emu Oil Cream contains natural Australian Emu Oil, obtained as by-products of farm-bred Emus.

澳大利亚鸸鹋油乳霜含有来自于农场良种鸸鹋副产品的鸸鹋油。AUSTRALIAN EMU OIL CREAM contains natural Australian Emu Oil, obtained as a by-product of fram-bred Emus.

澳大利亚鸸鹋油滋润霜富含天然澳大利亚鸸鹋油,其鸸鹋油均取自农场有机饲养的鸸鹋鸵鸟。Australian Emu Oil Cream contains natural Australian Emu Oil, obtained as by-product from farm-bred Emus.

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试验二日粮纤维水平对鸸鹋日粮纤维及粗蛋白质利用率的影响。Experiment 2. Effects of dietary fiber levels on dietary fibers and protein utilizable efficiency of emus.

局部应用鸸鹋油提高了愈合过程,由于其强大的超补氧属性。Topical application of Emu Oil enhances the healing process due to its powerful hyper-oxygenating properties.

这意味着,越来越多的人使用的是鸸鹋的肉不仅仅是有电动车组使用的石油。This means that more and more people are using the emu for its meat than just having the emus to use for its oil.

许多人都发现的好处,自然鸸鹋油,了解和使用的原住民数千年之久。Many people are discovering the benefits of natural Emu Oil, known and used by the aborigines for thousands of years.

108只Wistar大鼠随机分为单纯烧伤组、聚维酮碘治疗组和鸸鹋油治疗组,每组36只。Totally 108 Wistar rats were randomly and equally divided into simple burn group,povidone iodine group and emu oil group.

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一道峡谷横亘于我和人类文明之间,一条绵长的煤渣下坡路,路况艰险,还有一个农场,里面全是疯狂的鸸鹋。Between me and civilization was a valley, a long and harrowing drive down a dirt track and a farm filled with demented Emus.

探讨了鸸鹋作为一种新型食品、新型日用化工与医药原料的开发利用和广阔前景。It is used for mixing, tumbling, drying and coloring of all kinds of material in plastic, rubber, daily chemical industries.

较为系统地叙述了鸵鸟的种类和分布,以及非洲鸵、美洲鸵和鸸鹋皮的特性。The category and distribution of ostrich, as well as the characteristics of African ostrich, rhea and emu skin were discussed.