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这位患者已到了帕金森病晚期,都已经无法行走了。He is unable to walk.

患者应该如何准备?How should I prepare?

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他说,全部患者都在康复之中。All are recovering, he said.

他们正在干预患者什么呢?On what are they intervening?

但精神分裂症患者的大脑活动是什么样的?But what about schizophrenics?

很少患者发展到终末期肾病。Few patients progress to ESRD.

马克·皮蓬特本人就是一个同性恋患者。Mark Pierpont himself was gay.

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你是一个新的浮子患者?Are you a new floater sufferer?

其次为非Q波型梗塞患者。Non-Q-wave type AMI was second.

患者顺利地康复了。The patient convalesced nicely.

只有两位重症女患者活了下来。Two gravely ill women survived.

大部分精神病患者都是爱妄想的。Most psychopaths are delusional.

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胆结石患者能喝蜂蜜吗?Can gall-stone patient drink honey?

那几年我认为他是故意控制饮食的贪食症患者”。For years I thought he was bulimic.

大多数患者年龄在64岁至68岁之间。Most of the patients were 64 to 68.

有九位患者还进行了EP研究。Nine patients also had an EP study.

大多数的孤独症患者The majority of people with autism.

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你像我一样是个收件箱洁癖症患者吗?Are you an inbox zero freak like me?

患者一般状况尚好。Patient general condition Shang Hao.

捏紧患者的鼻子。Pinch closed the nose of the victim.