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信仰作为人类社会生活、精神生活的一种精神表现,其本身就是一种价值形式。Faith, as a spirit of human social life and spiritual life, itself is a kind of value form.

应在附表中插入以货币价值形式显示的所有品项一次性付款的价格和单价。Lump sum Prices or Unit Rates shall be inserted against all items in the Schedules which have a monetary value.

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稀缺性与效用相结合才是价值形式的充分必要条件。Scarce and the effectiveness of the combination of the value of the form is necessary and sufficient condition.

在价值形式上则表现为农村资源净产值和环境净产值的损失。And it is shown as the loss of the net production value of the rural resources and environment in the value form.

价值形式的双重等式证明了价格是商品价值和使用价值的综合表现。The double equation of the value form shows that price is the comprehensive manifestation of commodity value and its usefulness.

在薪酬激励领域的应用研究中,发现了预期参照点效应、得失强度效应以及价值形式效应。We also found the "reference point effects", "gain and loss intensity effects", and "value form effects" in the salary motive study.

衡量生产要素贡献大小与收益多少,可借助于社会财富的价值形式和边际分析的方法。When measuring the contribution and value of production factors, the value pattern and marginal analytical method of social wealth is employed.

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作为以价值形式对经济运行进行数量反映和质量分析的会计,必然存在着对会计职业进行判断的问题。Accounting is a kind of quantitative and quality reflection of economic operation, and there should be some kind of judgment on accounting professional.

高等院校人才成本是指一定时期培养每个学生所消耗的全部费用,即所耗费的物化劳动和活劳动的价值形式的总和。The cost of talented person in university defines the all cost to train each student in a certain period, i. e. the sum of oriented labor and live labor.

本文正是基于“课程理解”这一范式,对我国基础教育课程所蕴含的价值形式和意识形态做出尝试性的研究。Just based on the"curriculum understanding paradigm", the dissertation attempts to do a study on the value and ideology which are contained in China's basic education curriculum.

它是以价值形式表示的固定资产投资成果的综合性指标,可以综合反映不同时期、不同部门、不同地区的固定资产投资成果。This is a comprehensive indicator of investment in fixed assets, reflecting the achievements of investment in fixed assets in different periods, different sectors, and different regions.

文化资本是一种标志着行动者的社会身份、被视为主流的文化趣味、消费方式、文化能力和教育资历等要素的价值形式。Cultural capital is value format, to be a symbol of one kind of actor's social identity, to be regarded as main cultural interest, consumption mode, cultural competence and Education qualifications.