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我的熟人中很少有人喜欢赛拉。Few of my acquaintances like Sarah.

用这些试题去考考你的熟人吧。Try these tests on your acquaintances.

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她也有了一种新的渠道——业务上的熟人。She had a new resource-business contacts.

路上遇到了一个熟人。他说,他刚刚出院,要回家去了。I'm just out of the hospital-I'm going home.

交友勿滥,熟人须多。Have but few friend, though much acquaintance.

你在熟人的头顶上载浮载沉You float above the heads of the ones you knew

他和王朔都认识出版必要的熟人门路。He and Wang Shuo had all the necessary contacts.

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为什么不邀请更多的同事和熟人呢?Why not invite more colleagues and acquaintances?

一位大学熟人害怕火车汽笛。A college acquaintance is afraid of train whistles.

和你的朋友以及熟人打成一片。Tap into your network of friends and acquaintances.

这些都表明,熟人社会中的乡土逻辑发生了变异。These all show the earth-bound logic have been changed.

小事一桩,杨总路子广熟人多这不算个事儿吧?A trifle, Yang wide acquaintance that it is not a thing?

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当然,我的孩子是要见我的朋友和熟人的。My children meet my friends and acquaintances, of course.

给老朋友、亲戚或熟人寄送一封亲笔信。Send a letter to an old friend, relative or acquaintance.

我看到了熟人,喊住他,斯坦森!There I saw one I knew, and stopped him, crying Stetson !

这样,即使熟人从身边走过去,我也看不清。Such, although friend goes by beside, I also look not clear.

我在乡间的几个熟人每年进城看一、二次戏。Grandet dined alone for the first time in twenty-fours years.

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熟人经常聚在一起打麻将玩,不下注。acquaintances often gather to play for fun, with no wagering.

杰克在陌生人面前怕羞,但和熟人在一起时则无拘无束。Jack is shy with strangers and bold with people he knows well.

她们拉开一扇门,走了进去。然后凯伦与熟人打招呼。They opens a door, goes in, and Karen greets the acquaintance.