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元朝称饺子为“扁食”。Thee yuan dynasty called dumplings "dumpling".

成吉思汗,是中国元朝的第一位皇帝,蒙古族人。Genghis Khan was the first emperor of the Yuan Dynasty.

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元朝是各种宗教和文化异彩纷呈的时代。The Yuan era brimmed with diverse cultures and religions.

到了元朝,定窑终于逐渐没落。To the Yuan Dynasty, Ding finally and gradually disappeared.

正阳门从元朝开始共经历了几个名字?How many names of ZhengYangmen are called since the Yuan dynasty?

元朝文学的主要成就是元曲。The main literary achievement in the Yuan Dynasty was Yuan drama.

到了元朝,二月二就明确是“龙抬头”了。To the Yuan dynasty , February 2 clearly is the "Dragon rise . ""

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早在元朝时期,安徽就有确切的植棉记载。As early as the Yuan Dynasty, Anhui has exact cotton planting record.

提问我们这个地方在元朝时归哪里管辖?Question in this place we go where the jurisdiction of the Yuan Dynasty, when?

欧洲景泰蓝制品被以为是在元朝的时候运中国的。European cloisonné is thought to have arrived in China during the Yuan dynasty.

起居注是元朝官方史学中的重要一环。Qijuzhu is an important part of official compiling history in the Yuan dynasty.

明朝建立后,元朝退居漠北,史称北元。After Ming Dynasty was founded, Yuan dynasty went back to the north of the Gobi.

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元朝中叶,磁灶制陶技术达到鼎盛时期。In the middle of Yuan Dynasty, the terracotta technology in CiZao reached its peak.

金朝改为殿前都点检司,而元朝不设。Jin replaced both front of palace of Inspection Division, and the Yuan dynasty, no.

元朝科举入仕制度,其来源是金宋制度。The imperial examination institution system derive from Jin Dynasty and Yuan Dynasty.

元朝的开创皇帝,他也是第五代的蒙古年夜汗。The geneses emperor of Yuan Dynasty, he is also the fifth generation Mongolia big sweat.

文章主体的第一部分探讨了唐朝和元朝两个时期基督教的传播情形。The first part explores the activities of Christianity in the dynasties of Tang and Yuan.

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民间认为,吃月饼的习俗始于元朝末期。According to popular belief, the custom of eating mooncakes began in the late Yuan dynasty.

全国唯一保存完整的郡府级衙门,始建于元朝。The only one ancient county government saved so completely, which was built in Yuan dynasty.

文章就元朝和明朝在藏区的施政模式进行了考述与比较。This article tests and compares policies in Tibet between the Yuan Dynasty and Ming Dynasty.