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求学问一定要有追根究底的精神。One must be thorough in acquiring knowledge.

追根究底,就是对现在的一种终结吧。Argumentative , that is, right now the end of a bar.

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那么,为什么男人不去时不时地追根究底,逼迫自己的另一半说出真话呢?So why wouldn't any men cop to stretching the truth from time to time?

真主党野心勃勃,追根究底,而且活力充沛,简直是「创新的总部机构」。Ambitious, curious and full of vigour, it is “a machine for innovation”.

我得追根究底把事情弄清楚,找出到底是谁用了我的信用卡。I'm going to get to the bottom of this and find out who used my credit card.

这位丰田公司的美国销售负责人面对了磨刀霍霍、打算追根究底的国会。The head of Toyotas US sales faced a contentious Congress eager for answers.

艾莲娜的工作表现评价很差,追根究底是因为她对工作缺乏热忱。Eleanor 's poor performance rating boiled down to lack of enthusiasm for her job.

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用那种追根究底的提问来挖掘自己所需的信息非常有效。Probing questions are particularly useful for digging out the information you need.

早期的希腊哲学家观察在他们周围的世界,并追根究底有关的问题。The early Greek philosophers saw the world around them and asked questions about it.

追根究底,我们还是要问「交通建设究竟是在建设什麽?」To get to the bottom of the questions, we still want to ask, 'transport what to where?

可是吴佩欣是个追根究底的人,她还是决定要去问彭刚事情的来龙去脉。But Wu Peixin is an argumentative person, she decided to ask Peng just what sequence of events.

追根究底,中国两种定价结构问题仍在于国内钢铁业过于分散.Much of the blame for China's two-tier pricing structure still lies with the fragmented domestic industry.

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因为追根究底,对我们每一个人来说,我们个人的生活和整个美国是不可分割的。Because ultimately, for each of us, our own story and the American story are not separate, they are shared.

关键是欧元区的内政问题,追根究底就是强国不愿支持弱国。The crisis is an internal political one resulting from the unwillingness of the strong to support the weak.

追根究底,导致这些安全问题的根本原因就在于每一个行动主机的移动性。To get to the bottom of these security problems, the mobility of each mobile host is the fundamental factor.

当我知道这种向后转的变更时,我非常愤怒,便向有关军官追根究底地询问原因。When I became aware of this right-about- turn , I was indignant and questioned searchingly the officers concerned.

如果你想追根究底,我也不能,在这里做一个主题演讲,它说,“这是最后一分钟购物,特价商品大甩卖“If you zoom in up top, which I can't quite do with a keynote here, it says, "This last minute shopping, bargain hunting."

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我们首先要对那些我们听到,看到,读到的”真理”用敞开,追根究底及怀疑的心去看待它们。We start by bringing an open, inquisitive, and skeptical mind to whatever we hear, read, or see that presents itself as the truth.

这一阶段的诗,一般有一条有时谈到只剩一点影子的叙事的线索,这些诗就是这样优雅庄重地,追根究底地,变幻多端地抒写下去。The poems of this phase had generally a narrative thread that was reduced at times to a shadow-and they rambled gracefully, argumentatively, variously.

来自芝加哥的比尔·希贝尔斯牧师也经常一直到白宫来,问我一些追根究底的问题,以检验我精神上是否健康。The Reverend Bill Hybels from Chicago also continued to come to the White House regularly, to ask searching questions designed to check my spiritual health.