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第二章疏理了海德格尔的艺术之思。The second chapter examines the art thought of Heidegger.

第四部分中作者运用预断排除原则对于我国刑事审判中的一些具体制度进行了疏理和补缺。In the fourth section, the author discussed some concrete systems in criminal judgment in our country.

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首先,论文对已有的国际服务贸易比较优势原理和产业国际竞争力理论进行了疏理。First, this article reviews the theory of international service trade and the industrial international competitiveness.

纠正这种错位现象,疏理高师和中学语文教育的通道刻不容缓。It is urgent to correct the dislocation and straighten the passage of Chinese education in normal college and middle school.

第二部分通过对“三限”政策产生的背景分析及“三限”政策内容疏理,剖析了“三限”政策的理论基础。The following part analyzes the basic theory of "Sanxian" policy by illustrating the background and the contents of the policy.

本文对西方马克思主义人学思想进行了简单的疏理,并探讨了对我国教育理论和实践的有益启示。This thesis researches The Western Marxism's humanities simply and discusses the inspiration to our education theory and practice.

在叙言中,我们对历代学者进行的研究情况作了一个简单的回顾和疏理。This paper has seven parts altogether, in the preface we chiefly make a simple recollect to the research circumstances having gained.

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本文力图疏理超文本网络文学的简短的发展历程,并阐明它与传统文学相较之下的审美特性。This article tries to sort out the brief development of cyber hypertext literature, and manifests its aesthetic features compared with traditional one.

记者日前对公众与媒体反映强烈的广东省公路乱收费现象进行调查疏理发现,大体存在着三种形式。Journalists have recently found that there exist three types of situations after investigating on public strong concern on the illicit road toll charging phenomenon.

理论研究部分对女性中医生理病理理论进行了疏理,对围绝经期妇女的生理病理特点从理论上进行了发掘和整理。In the theory research section , the TCM theory of reproductive physiology was cleared up and that of etiological factor and mechanism of perimenopausal period was studied.

旷古泉水中加入山楂、砂仁酿制药汤,芳香飘溢,可促进新陈代谢,强化身体机能,疏理肠胃。Hawthorn granulated nuts stirred into the spring from time immemorial to medical soup, the fragrant fades and fall to promote your metabolism and strongly you body function.

本论文从批评的及物性、批评的理性等特点入手,去疏理这些特点在信件中是如何体现的。In this paper, from the transitivity of criticism, criticism of reason and tolerance of criticism and so on. It starts to hackle in the letter of the rationale for these features.

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第四章疏理了当代报纸副刊发展中的若干问题,对文艺副刊及副刊体系今后的发展提出建议。Chapter four exhibits some problems of contemporary supplement development inside, gives suggestion on the development foreground of the traditionary supplement and supplement systems.

通过搜集重点期刊和书籍的相关文献,研究的脉络进行一番疏理,并借此反思其中研究内容、研究方式等的某些不足。By collecting the relative articles of vital magazines and books, the author just want to make clear of the re-search clue, and reflects some defects in their research content and methods.

本文正是力求揭示出乐教在六朝时期的新内涵,以疏理乐教在这一时期的发展脉络,深化该领域的研究。This thesis tries to disclose the new contents of music education in the Six Dynasties period to clean the development of music education at this period and further deepen the study in this field.

本文引言部分以时间为序概略地疏理了孟子研究状况,结语部分归纳孟子美学思想体系,并指出孟子美学研究的当代意义。The introduction of this article reorganizes the study of Mencius by the time. The conclusion induces the Mencius's esthetics system and points out the significance of studying Mencius's esthetics.

通过健全、透明、各部门协作审核后,维尔萨克和西贝利厄斯部长在2010年12月底审查、疏理、并签署了2010美国居民膳食指南。SecretariesVilsack and Sebelius reviewed, cleared and signed off on the 2010 DietaryGuidelines for Americans in late December 2010 following a robust, transparent, collaborative inter-agency review.

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笔者因此尝试重新疏理中国方面的文献,并整合西方原始材料,再对照中国现存欧洲古炮的实物,希望能较细致且正确地还原此一西方火炮东传的事件。The author tried in this article to re-comb the Chinese and the Western literature to look for related materials. Efforts have also been made to study the extant 17th-century European guns in China.