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尊敬的出题老师你想到了吗?。You think you teacher respect?

我先要出题嘛。大家听好了。Now I have to give you a question first.

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孙子出题,儿子监考,老子不会。The son, grandson of the topic, not Lao Tzu.

大牛,观众朋友们还等着你出题呢。Daniel, the audience is still waiting for your question.

但是他们却仍在被各种出题者所频繁应用。But they are still used frequently by test-makers of all types.

电视机前的观众朋友们还等着你出题呢。Our viewers in front the TV are still waiting for your question.

陈老太太出题“考”珍珠、玉珠,要她们各煮一道菜。Old Mrs Chen sets a task for Zhenzhu and Yuzhu to each cook a dish.

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我不知道教师出题的答案,便抄袭了约翰的。I didn't know the answers to the teacher's questions so I cribbed them off John.

我们出题者来自世界各地,主要包括三大英语地区,澳大利亚、英国、美国。Our item writers are mainly from three countries, the UK, the USA and Australia.

文中也讨论了客观考试出题时需要注意的问题。Some matters needing attention in design of the examination were also discussed.

仔细读读这些问题,因为出题的人有时会有意诱导你犯错。Read the questions carefully, because the examiners sometimes try to trip you up.

多莉,多莉,多莉!该轮到我出题了!我在想,这是一种可怕而又神秘的东西。Dory, Dory, Dory! Now it's my turn. I'm thinking of something dark and mysterious.

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有的老师出题考试,总喜欢出怪题,难题,好像和学生过不去一样。Some teachers always set difficult and strange questions to give students a hard time.

正如你有自己的答题风格一样,教授也有自己的出题风格。Chances are that your professor has an exam style, just like you have a test-taking style.

上学期数学老师考试出题太难,没有一个人能解出来。Last term our maths teacher set so difficult an examination problem _none of us worked out.

但只有我自己知道在电脑前一坐就是两三个小时,绞尽脑汁想句子出题的滋味。But they knew little of the hours I spent in front of the computer racking my brain about the exercises.

我知道一些老师使用往届的试题,都像这个网站这么干,为每一年的考试重新出题将成为一项很艰辛的工作。I know that some teachers reuse past exams and it would be hard to have to write a new test for every class.

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复习关键性的概念,复习旧笔记,旧考题,复习过去的资格考试题目以求对教授出题的方向有感觉。Review key concepts, your old notes and exams, and old prelims to get a feel for the professors' testing strategy.

紧接着,在复习课的第二阶段,学习部部长施晓宇同学为大家总结、梳理出题几率较大的知识点。The second stage, by the Learning Minister for everyone to sum up the probability of combing out a larger knowledge points.

本系统有驾校模拟考试功能,完成了用户管理及试题管理、试卷管理和随机出题、自动阅卷等。This system has simulating function which achieves users management, test papers management, random test making and automatic checking.