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神经保护是否为青光眼的可行疗法?。Is Neuroprotection a Viable Therapy for Glaucoma?

人们可能并不知道自己有患青光眼的风险。People may not know they are at risk for glaucoma.

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饮食也是白内障,青光眼的主要原因。Diet is a major factor in cataract and glaucoma as well.

它可以取救济两种结膜炎和青光眼。It can fetch relief in both conjunctivitis and glaucoma.

开角型青光眼是常见的一种青光眼病症。Chronic Open-angle glaucoma is a common form of glaucoma.

治疗青光眼的手术可能会增加白内障的风险。Surgery to treat glaucoma may raise the risk of cataracts.

除以上所说几点之外,大蒜还能降低由眼内压引起的青光眼。This reduces the intraocular pressure that causes glaucoma.

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由于这次受伤,彼德患上了青光眼和自内障。As a result of the injury, Pete developed glaucoma and cataracts.

结论新生血管性青光眼多继发于眼部缺血性疾病。Conclusions NVG was commonly secondary to ocular ischemic disease.

在全球范围内,青光眼是导致不可逆性失明的最主要原因。Glaucoma is the leading cause of irreversible blindness worldwide.

眼压升高是青光眼的主要特征之一。Increased pressure in the eyeball is the main feature of glaucoma.

波伽利是在出生后不久,就被诊断有青光眼。Bocelli was diagnosed with glaucoma only a short while after birth.

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慢性青光眼的治疗可用缩瞳药使水样液的外流增加以降低眼内压。Chronic glaucoma can be treated with drugs that contract the pupil.

致盲病因主要为白内障、角膜病和青光眼等。The main cause of cataract is blindness, keratopathy, and glaucoma.

青光眼是一组导致视神经损伤的疾病。Glaucoma is a group of diseases that cause damage to the optic nerve.

目的探讨醋甲唑胺对青光眼的治疗价值。Objective To study the therapeutic effect of methazolamide on glaucoma.

青光眼是一种破坏视神经的潜在性致盲疾病。Glaucoma is a potentially blinding illness that damages the optic nerve.

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你过去患过什么病吗,比如肾炎、糖尿病或青光眼等?Have you ever been sick, such as nephritis, diabetes or glaucoma, etc. ?

目的探讨发生于青光眼的中央暗点所具备的临床特征。Objective To study the clinical features of central scotoma in glaucoma.

TAC单倍型携带者出现原发性开角型青光眼的风险较小。TAC haplotype carriers appear lower risk of primary open angle glaucoma.