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我想帮你的忙,但是这牵涉到一桩伤天害理的事。I want to help, but there is a tyranny involved.

但人们如果为了钱去做伤天害理的事就不应该了。But people for money to do if the terrible thing shouldn't.

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他做了这样伤天害理的事怎么能过太平的日子呢?How could he live peacefully with such a wicked crime on his conscience?

国王悲痛欲绝,却怎么也没有想到,这件伤天害理的事是王后所为。The king mourned, but he did not think that the queen had done this wicked deed.

国王悲痛欲绝,却怎么也没有想到,这件伤天害理的事是王后所为。King distraught, but how did not expect that this murderous thing is queen should do.

贩卖军火伤天害理的事情怎么是我们中国政府做的呢?Would our Chinesev government do something as impudent and outrageous as peddle munitions?

他真的会认为我既是一个小魔鬼又是一个小猎犬,真心诚意地做着伤天害理的事,把他给出卖了吗?Would he believe that I was both imp and hound in treacherous earnest, and had betrayed him?

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接着,她跟国王讲述了老婆婆伤天害理的行径……她偷走了她的三个孩子,把他们藏了起来。Then she told him of the treachery of the old woman who had taken away their three children and hidden them.

“我当然很爱你!”樵夫说。“妳若一定要多吃点东西的话,这种伤天害理的事我就再做一次。”"I love you very much, " says the woodcutter. "If you must eat more food, I will do this terrible thing again. "

一个下着倾盆大雨的夜晚,乞丐婆蜷缩在男孩家的楼道下,亲眼看到男孩安排人去做一件伤天害理的事。It was pouring one night, the beggar woman huddled in the corridor under the guy's home and saw the guy doing a wicked thing.

可那些无知的暴徒却火上加油,一步步进逼,做出杀人放火的伤天害理的事情。Ignorant thugs who may have added fuel to the flames, a steady closing, set fire to the murder victims injury days rationale thing.

但毫无疑问,假如对象换作是一个有感情的生物,这些魔法也肯定会行得通。但我绝不会去干这些伤天害理的事。All of my experiments to date have been upon beasts, but there is no doubt that the spell would work perfectly upon a living, sentient being.

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简直是污蔑!贩卖军火伤天害理的事情怎么是我们中国政府做的呢?只有美国才做这种事情!!!Pure slander! Would our Chinese government do something as impudent and outrageous as peddle munitions? Only America does things like that! ! !

简直是污蔑!贩卖军火伤天害理的事情怎么是我们中国政府做的呢?只有美国才做这种事情!!!Purek slander! Would our Chinese government do something as impudent and t outrageous as peddle munitions? Only America does things like that! ! !

总之,尽管不能确定,我个人倾向,在奶中添加那个伤天害理的东西,归罪于无良奶农、奶站,似乎更加靠谱。In short, despite not sure, I am inclined, add the milk in the murderous reasonable thing to blame unscrupulous dairy farmers, milk stations, it seems more Kaopu.

如果鬼魂在夜间干了伤天害理的事情,神荼、郁垒就会立即发现并将它捉住,用芒苇做的绳子把它捆起来,送去喂虎。If the ghosts at night, did the murderous things, God tea, Yu-base will immediately find and catch it with a mountain to do a rope reed tied it up, sent to feed tigers.

据情报官表示,恐吓如是说“这种伤天害理的事情,如果不给点颜色瞧瞧,就是不明智的”,并简略回答了召他回国的决定。The threats "were of such a serious nature that it would be imprudent not to act, " the intelligence official said, describing the decision to pull him from the country.

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真高兴他还能以你为荣,迈克你确实干过不少傻事,但你从来没干出过像这种伤天害理的缺德事来。I'm just glad that he still looks up to you Mike. I mean you have really done some hair brain things in you life, but you've never done anything as hurtful and scummy as that.

当今大不列颠国王的历史,是接连不断的伤天害理和强取豪夺的历史,这些暴行的唯一目标,就是想在这些州建立专制的暴政。The history of the present King of Great Britain is usurpations , all having in direct object tyranny over these States. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world.

当今大不列颠国王的历史,是接连不断的伤天害理和强取豪夺的历史,这些暴行的唯一目标,就是想在这些州建立专制的暴政。The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations , all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States.