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而阔大的无花果树之外,是超出于这一切之上的天空。But above all, through the wide fig trees there was the sky.

雌雄羽色有别,嘴黑色、阔大成铲状。Sexes differ but both have black and broad shovel-like bills.

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它的阔大的、羽状的、热带的叶子,看起来很奇怪,却很愉快。Its broad pinnate tropical leaf was pleasant though strange to look on.

旷达超脱的气质,积极进取的姿态,开创出了阔大的人生境界。Detached character and initiative attitude creates a magnanimous world outlook.

他的身材魁梧,生一副大长方脸,嘴巴阔大,肌肤呈着紫檀色。His body is burly, has a long square face, big mouth, and skin is red sandalwood color.

后桅从地板上穿出,一张阔大的4乘6的海图桌踞于房间的中间。The mizzenmast came up through the floor and a large 4 x 6 chart table sat in the middle of the room.

专利申请者寻求的地理范围在阔大,这是全球化的量度。The geographical coverage sought by patent applicants is increasing, it is a measure of globalization.

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请不要逼着我承认,在这阔大的动物农庄中,人类其实比动物还要无用的多。Don't make me admit that in this vast animal farm, humans are in fact much more useless than those animals.

避暑山庄园林宏伟阔大,体现了康乾两帝的宽阔胸怀。The Summer Resort is vast and magnificent, which reflects the broad-minded ideals of Emperor Kangxi and Emperor Qianlong.

宁静与阔大相随。宁静之阔大无边乃是阔大无边之心灵之反映,心灵因极扩大,故而无中心。Silence and spaciousness go together. The immensity of silence is the immensity of the mind in which a center does not exist. ,

在“悲”与“壮”的对照描述中,历史的“悲”是它本身所呈现的痛切伤痕,也是作品阔大的幕布,而英雄的“壮”则是着力描摹的重点。The historical"sadness"is the broad setting of his novels while the heroic and stirring deed is the core of his literary works.

集装箱,租种或与液体货物运输的合作,港阔阔大工程。Co-operation in the field of transit of containers, general bulky and liquid cargoes – port expansion project ZPMC-port equipment.

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进入大象保护区你先要通过一扇阔大的门,那是环绕保护区周围的厚厚的带电网围墙的一部分。To enter the Elephant Sanctuary, you have to pass through a massive gate, part of the thick, cabled fencing that surrounds the perimeter.

而文学对人类学的有意识的应用则阔大了自身的境界,文学的价值就会上升到生命生存的哲学高度。The conscious use of anthropology into literature expands its boundary , and the value of literature can be promoted to existence and living philosophy.

还应该让他们知道,一个人倘沉浸在不咸不淡的穷聊中,很容易因闲碎而牺牲人生的阔大。Should still let them know, a person if sink to immerse in not saltily not thin and poorly chat, very easy sacrifice life of broad because of carefree ground.

秋天,柳树在向人们显示自己的阔大胸怀。冬天,在凛冽的西北风中坚强地直立,大雪给它披上了洁白的银装。Autumn, willow to show people his great mind wide. In winter, the cold northwest wind in the staunchly upright, covered with white snow to give it the Silver Art.

细叶榕为高大、扩展广阔的常绿乔木,具有无数纤幼成流苏状的气根由枝条下垂,生长缓慢,具有阔大浓密树冠。Small fruit fig trees are large, wide-spreading, evergreen trees with numerous tassels of slender aerial roots hanging from the branches. They are slow-growing, with a wide dense foliage crown.