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共聚树脂的合成及热分解性能。Preparation and thermolysis of the copolymer.

很抱歉不能考试大论坛与你们共聚一堂。I'm sorry I couldn't be there with you in person.

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很抱歉不能与你们共聚一堂。I’m sorry I couldn’t be there with you in person.

研完了影响共聚反应的因素。Factors effecting the copolymerization were studied.

今天能与诸位共聚一堂实在是我的荣幸。It truly is an honor for me to be here with you today.

与交联剂兼容的共聚树脂体系。Copolymer system that was compatible with cross-linker.

寻找一种第二单体与丙烯酸酯共聚。The acrylate was copolymerized with the second monomer.

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介绍了利用丙烯酸酯核壳共聚乳液生产硬挺剂的方法。The synthesis method of stiffening agent was introduced in this paper.

采用共聚合的方法,确可提高凝胶的相变温度。RESULTS LCSTs of gels were increased by the method of copolymerization.

乙丙共聚行为受助催化剂种类的强烈影响。The kind of cocatalyst also exerted strong influence on copolymerization.

我感到,大家共聚一堂,目睹今天的到来,是一件殊胜的事。To come together and see this day come is I think an extraordinary thing.

只有基督才可以决定祂所爱的人,要在何时回到天家与祂共聚。Christ is the one who decides when his loved ones go- home to be with him.

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感谢您的参与!愿天下有此愿者,共聚一堂!共同进步!Thanks for your participation ! May we all gather here, progress together !

研究了羧甲基纤维素-丙烯酰胺接枝共聚反应。Grafting copolymerization of epichlorohydrin and bone glue was investigated.

该方法也可用于其它二元共聚反应。The method would be useful for other two-component copolymerization process.

考察了共聚树脂及玻璃布预浸料的贮存稳定性和层压板的性能。The glass cloth prepreg and laminates based on this matrix resin were prepared.

依照惯例,美国人会亲朋好友共聚一堂,同享这一节日聚餐。Americans traditionally gather for a large holiday meal with family and friends.

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本文研究了木素磺酸盐和丙烯酸单体的接枝共聚机理。The graft mechanism of lignosulfonate and acrylic acid was studied in this paper.

共聚焦点方法把近地表效应当作成像问题的一部分来处理。With common focus-point method, we treated the effect as part of imaging problem.

每四年一次举办奥运会,让全世界的运动员共聚一堂。To bring together the athletes of the world in the Olympic Games every four years.