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哇,你跟只龙虾一样红通通的!Wow, you're as red as a lobster!

孩子跑完步脸蛋儿红通通的。The children had glowing cheeks after race.

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他红通通的鼻子看起来像颗樱桃。He had a red nose that looked like a cherry.

他回到了房子里,耳朵冻得红通通的。He came into the room, his ears red with cold.

没有擦防晒霜我会晒得和龙虾一样红通通的。Without sunscreen i'll get as red as a lobster.

没有擦防晒乳我会晒得跟龙虾一样红通通的!Without sunscreen I'll get as red as a lobster !

红通通的,像一串串灯笼,好看极了。Bright red, like a string of lanterns, pretty great.

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从他红通通的脸的可以看出他知道自己错了。You could tell from his face that he knew he was wrong.

妈妈买了许多红通通的大苹果,我特别爱吃。Mom bought me many big red apples. They are my favorite.

他挣脱了我靠近我怀里,看着我红通通的眼睛。He broke away from me to my arms, looking at my red eyes.

观众们个个笑得脸红通通的,巴掌都拍痛了。The audience all laugh blushed essent, slap all clap to pain.

妈妈买了许多红通通的大苹果,我特别爱吃。Mother bought many big bright red apples. They are my favorite.

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从他红通通的脸可以看出他知道自己错了。You could tell from his red face that he realized he was wrong.

他看上去很糟糕,鼻子红通通的,眼睛肿得像意大利饺子。He looks terrible, his nose red, his eyes swollen like little ravioli.

燃烧的灯芯在朦胧中变得红通通的一片。The burning light-wick appears as a whole splotch of redness in the murkiness of her eyes.

南韩很多站岗的士兵不再是一张粗糙、晒得红通通的脸面对敌人了。Many south korean soldiers on guard no longer present a rough , sunburnt face to the enemy.

红通通的樱桃在巧克力的围绕下,显得更加妖娆,让您享受到多种混合的新口味。The red cherry in chocolate around below, appear more enchanting, make you enjoy of mixing new flavors.

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有红通通的苹果、黄澄澄的梨子、月牙般的香蕉,咧了嘴的石榴。A bright red apples, pears glistening yellow, crescent-like bananas, pomegranate varieties, of the mouth.

春天到了,初春的太阳像个大姑娘似的,恼羞地露着半个红通通的脸蛋向我微笑。Spring is coming, the sun shine like a big girl like, to uncover the half angered shame red face smiled at me.

早上的太阳红通通,我俩的感情在雨中。中午的太阳红似火,受伤受累是你还是我。Bright red the morning sun, I share her feelings in the rain. red sun at noon, you were injured or affected me.