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这个称呼多么动听!How well it sounds.

像鸟一样动听。As songful as a bird.

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这位女士唱得真动听。That lady sings enchantingly.

谢谢分享好曲子。非常动听!Very good memory of Delphine Cai.

小美人的歌仔最动听。Little Mermaid's song is the best.

他能把极平常之事说得十分动听。He can sweeten the ordinary things.

你的话总是那么悦耳动听。You always say what I need to hear.

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她用风琴弹奏了一首动听的曲子。She played a beautiful tune on the organ.

非常感谢陈乔同学动听的歌声。Thanks so much for Chen Qiao's nice song.

这是张敬轩写的一首很优美动听的歌曲。A beautiful ballad written by Hins Cheung.

我真希望自己能说得更动听一些。I wish I could say in an agreeable manner.

随后,伊亥开始说话,声音婉转动听。Before she could speak again I began to talk.

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而且,对人民来说,这一口号总是那么动听。And, as always, it sounded good to the people.

他能把极平常的事儿说得很动听。He can make ordinary things sound interesting.

动听的话和坏行为同样欺骗聪明和愚人。Good words and ill deeds deceive wise and fools.

我们还要为大家唱最动听的英语歌谣。The children will sing English songs and chants.

他们如痴似醉地倾听那优美动听的音乐。Their thirsty ears drank in the delicious music.

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你可以选择使你的爱成为动听的旋律或者是扰人的噪音。You can resolve your love into a melody or noice.

随后,伊亥开始说话,声音婉转动听。he cleared his throat before he started to speak.

他说话声音低沉动听,面带会意的微笑。He had a low, palavering voice and a knowing smile.