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汽车安全与节能学报,2011年,第2卷第2期。Automotive Safety and Energy, 2011, Vol. 2 No. 2

康定民族师范高等专科学校学报。Journal of Kangding Nationality Teachers College.

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信息对于学报编辑工作非常重要。Information to the editorship is of great importance.

学报编辑要做学者型的编辑。Finally, the editors of journals should be scholar-editors.

那个大学的学报主要刊登旅游业和旅行的文章。The transactions of that university focused on tourism and tour.

该研究将在十月20号的天体物理学报上登出。The research will appear October 20 in The Astrophysical Journal.

这份研究报告发表在最近的航空学报杂志上。The study appeared in a recent issue of the journalActa Astronautica.

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波前编码成像系统景深延拓扩展率的研究。光学学报。Study on depth of field of wavefront coding imaging system. Proc. SPIE.

学报交换或订阅,请联络王淑娟女士。For subscription or exchange of Xuebao, please contact Mdm Wang Shujuan.

学报的出版包括总体设计和编辑出版流程两大系统。The print of College transaction includes overall design and edit & print.

稿源、质量、创新是高校学报的生命要素。Source of contribution, quality and innovation are very essential elements.

即使是在获得了“准许入伙”之后,主日学报还是使我感到枯燥无味。Even after receiving the "right hand of fellowship", Sunday school bored me.

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中国人文社会科学学报已有近一百年的历史。Journals of humanities and social sciences in China is almost 100 years old.

淡化这一“标准”是学报改革与发展的重要方面。The reform and development of journals require to desalinate this criterion.

高校学报是各类学术论文按照一定规律组合起来的有机整体。College transaction is an organism made up of all kinds of academical papers.

可以应用耗散结构系统的规律,指导办好高职院校学报。Therefore the law of dissipative structure can guide us to run the journal well.

考虑在当地大学或社区大学报一个语言学习班。Consider signing up for a language course at a local college or community college.

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可供从事学报工作的编辑以及学报论文的作者与读者参考。It is a reference material for authors and readers as well as the editors of acta.

新颖独到的栏目设置,是提高高校学报质量的重要途径。Originative column devising is an important approach to improving the journal quality.

此项研究成果发表在美国国家科学院学报。The research is published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences journal.