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你的琴声忽然幽远又哗然走近…You Yuan and your piano uproar suddenly approached.

中国诗歌短小精悍却意境幽远。The Chinese poems are short but the meaning is deep.

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另一位则是个苗条的金发女孩,她的眼神飘渺而幽远。The other was an ethereal blonde, her gaze dreamy and distant.

把玩一具中国的内画壶,可以时时体味中国文化的幽远和巧致。To understand China, it is a must to know Chinese inner-painted snuff bottles.

幽远深邃,清心冷静,一种性情,活出生命的两重彩。Remote and deep, quiet and calm, one temperament, give you double life meanings.

母爱就象一首田园诗,幽远纯净,和雅清淡。A mother's love is like a pastoral poem, you are far from pure, and elegant light.

这样的女人拥有自己的魅力,犹如幽远的琴声,飘荡在时间的深处。This woman has its own charm, like the Chords Youyuan, floating in the depths of time.

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他善用侧锋淡墨,干笔皴擦,作品笔墨精粹,意境幽远。He was good at using the dry brush and those strokes that utilize the side of the brush.

清远就是清淡幽远的意境,就是清幽绝俗的艺术形象。Elegance means delicate and secluded mood of a literary work, artistic image of quietude and refinement.

把玩一具中国的内画壶,可以时时体味中国文化的幽远和巧致。To appreciate a Chinese inner-painted snuff bottle is to taste the profoundness and delicacy of Chinese culture.

用现代意识审视幽远的民族地域文化,是易光小说创作的一大特点。To observe the profound regional culture of a nationality with modern consciousness is a striking feature of Yi Guang's novels.

你看过顶着凤冠展翅翔舞的畲家阿妹那一份幽远和柔美吗?Have you ever seen the leisure and mellow girls of She nationality who wear the phoenix coronet and spread their arms when dancing?

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足见又感觉的动物,有情趣的人类,对于秋,总是一样的能特别引起深沉,幽远,严厉萧索的感触来的。All that goes to show that all live creatures and sensitive human alike are prone to the feeling of depth, remoteness, severity and bleakness.

动物、有情趣的人类,对于秋,总是一样的能特别引起深沉、幽远、严厉、萧索的感触来的。All that goes to show that all live creatures and sensitive humans alike are prone to the feeling of depth, remoteness, severity and bleakness.

幽远、空寂、荒山、野岭——看不到生机盎然,看不到温热的感动,看不到个体生命的灿烂,看不到乡村作为个体灵魂存在的印迹。We do not see a picture full of vitality, or a warm touched, or brilliant individual lives, or the trace of existence of villages as an imprint of the individual soul.

咸味的粽子如椒盐、蛋黄等可配乌龙茶,因为乌龙茶是半发酵茶,能衬出咸甜口味的幽远口感。Savory dumplings, such as salt and pepper, egg yolk, etc. can be equipped with tea, because tea is semi-fermented tea, to show off sweet and salty tastes Youyuan taste.

乐曲运用唐诗的意境,通过幽远的箫声,展示了王维对终南山辋川秋景的描写,表现了空山清泉的深邃意境。Tang's mood using music by Youyuan study on three, shows Wang Chuan on the autumnal Zhongnanshan description, showing the mountain springs of the deep space conception.

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设色极淡,除飘落在水中的几朵红花外,其它几乎全是水墨绘出,构思精巧,意境幽远。The artist portrayed in light colors a shoal of fish swimming to and fro in the water. The fish, algae and fallen petals floating on the water are all ingeniously conceived.

在作品的结构特别是花鸟、动物形象的动势上融汇了明人之境,这使得他的作品既有一股幽远的古意,又有生动、活跃的气息。He mixed Ming Dynasty style to his artworks composition, especially the moving posture of the birds and flowers, and it makes his artworks have both the ancient realm and vivid flavour.

经历上百年海水浸泡的船木,经过加工后将被赋予新的生命力,其特有的纹路和色泽,将让整个居室透出幽远雅致的异样情调。Seawater immersion experience of a century wooden ship, after processing will be given new life, its unique texture and color, will make the whole room revealed abnormal elegant atmosphere.