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要在奋斗中做个英雄好汉!Be a hero in strife!

要在奋斗中做个英雄好汉!Be a hero in the strife !

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他们一共是九十个穿锁子甲的英雄好汉。They were ninety heroes dressed in mail.

在他们的头脑里,强盗就是劫富济贫的英雄好汉。In their minds, is the Robin Hood-like bandit hero.

从来就没有胆大包天的英雄好汉。There never was a hero who did not have his bounds.

最终你会发现,自己才是真正的英雄好汉。And you'll finally see the truth that a hero lies in you.

有勇气承担命运这才是英雄好汉!This is the hero who has the courage to bear the destiny!

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为什么大家都很崇拜他呀?他是个骗子!这算什么英雄好汉啊?Why is everyone honoring him? He's a crook! What kind of hero is that?

那么,描写和歌颂这样一群英雄好汉有没有普世价值呢?Then, description and praise such a group of heroes have universal value?

多少英雄好汉的躯体使得中华民族的脊梁更加坚挺。How many heroes of the body makes more strong backbone of the Chinese nation.

叶老爷子相信游击队个个都是英雄好汉,不会像逆子叶凌青一样。He believes everyone of the guerrillas are heroes, not like a key Ye Lingqing.

第二节论述英雄好汉奔赴梁山的过程中形成一个个移动的叙事空间。Secondly, diffrent moving spaces which manifest the process of the heroes'going to liang-shan.

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在这人生的宿营地,在这辽阔的战场,别做无言的牲畜任人驱赶,做一名英雄好汉立马横枪!In the world's broad field of battle, in the bivouac of Life, be not like dumb, driven cattle! Be a hero in the strife!