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改变谈何容易。Change will not come easy.

取悦各方,谈何容易。It is hard to please all parties.

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但是要将富豪的钱财乾坤大挪移过来,谈何容易?But how easy will it be to get hold of their money?

不过要把客人对各个酒店的满意度进行排名谈何容易?But how easy is it to rank guest satisfaction among hotels?

路途遥远加上身体不适,回家谈何容易。The distance with not feeling well, go home easier said than done.

花了好几年才取得今天的成绩,要你现在放手谈何容易。You’ve spent years getting to this point, so you just can’t drop out now.

如今要说动一国之君,那又谈何容易啊!Now the mission to me is to persuade a king, so obviously it is harder to be done.

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然而,除了小孩子,成年人欲消除语言障碍谈何容易?However, execept children, it's difficult for adults to eliminate the language barrier?

这种状态下,家具产品想到时尚圈之一,是谈何容易。This state, furniture Product think one of the circle of fashion, is easier said than done.

更何况一个25岁的雇员和一个125岁的老板交流沟通又谈何容易?And how easily would a 25-year-old employee be able to communicate with a 125-year-old boss?

额头,那一印血红的朱砂触目惊心,忘记你,又谈何容易。Forehead, which India and blood-red cinnabar startling, forget you, again easier said than done.

然而,积压房地产状况十分复杂,盘根错节,要想盘活,谈何容易?However, the backlog of real estate situation is very complex and difficult, if invigorated , no?

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刘先生想,已经给卡尔加里的货主付了款,要想要回差价谈何容易。Mr Lau would have to Calgary consignors pays, the difference is not so easy to want to return to.

茫人海,人生如露,要找到最合适自己的那一个谈何容易?Vast human sea life such as Ruth, to find the most suitable one is easier said than done their own?

与此同时,我完成了我的硕士论文,还不错——但是一个语言学专业的研究生找工作谈何容易。Meanwhile, my M.A. thesis was finally completed, even well received—but there were no jobs for linguists.

美国黑帮过去使用汤普森冲锋枪,但要找到它的原理图谈何容易。Thus, the Thompson gun was used by American gangsters. Finding its schematic drawing was far from being easy.

英国如今很多的年轻人都想买房,不过登上这房地产的阶梯又谈何容易。Lots of young people want to buy houses in the UK these days but it's not so easy to get on the property ladder.

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要在观看足球赛的人群中找一个小男孩真像是海底捞针,谈何容易。Trying to find a small boy in the large crowds at the football match was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

而且当一个国家还有大批长期失业的人群时,削减赤字谈何容易。And it is hard to reduce the deficit while the country has a large group of persistently un- or underemployed people.

诚然,他穿着阿根廷球衣时很少像他在巴塞罗那时那么出色,但真要阻止梅西谈何容易。True, he rarely looks the player he is for Barcelona in Argentina colours but stopping Messi will be easier said than done.