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做一个自我评估。Do a self-assessment.

那你该怎么评估收益?How do you assess that?

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重新评估你的动机。Reevaluate your motives.

评估你的安全网。Evaluate your safety net.

我们咋评估这些价值呢?How do we assess the value?

对自己进行一个评估吧。Begin with a self-appraisal.

培训评估团队。Training the assessment team.

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当然是能够评估整个人生。We can evaluate entire lives.

应该由谁进行评估呢?Who should do the estimating?

评估表明了什么问题?What did the evaluations show?

为此,我们会做价值评估So,we will make valuation bets.

跟踪和评估你的结果。Track and evaluate your results.

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评估全组织范围内的风险。b.Assess organization-wide risk.

用于评估过程管理器。For the assessor process manager.

后勤基础结构的规模评估Sizing back-office infrastructure

神根据我们如何去爱评估我们We will be evaluated on our love.

并帮助我们评估整个团队。and helping us evaluate the team.

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我们的评估依赖于一个等式。Our estimate rests on an equation.

旱涝灾害的影响评估。The influence of drought and flood.

此评估仅仅是一个框架。This assessment is only a framework.