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办工厂化畜牧场真的省钱吗?。Is factory farming really cheaper?

汤姆在加州有一个大畜牧场。Tom has a cattle ranch in California.

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在畜牧场,氨是由生物降解形成的。In stock yards ammonia is formed by biological degradation.

这个畜牧场在饲养干农活的高头大马。The stock farm is raising big horses for work in the fields.

我有一个经验,我在畜牧场工作的那几年。One of the observations I had when I work on the cattle ranch for a couple of years.

他从布里斯班聘请那些无家可归的人到昆士兰地区区域的大畜牧场工作。He's recruited homeless people from Brisbane to work on properties in regional Queensland.

昆士兰的畜牧场里,蓝天在女牛仔——或者说牧场女工头顶远远地伸展蔓延开来。The sky stretches far and wide above cowgirls—or jillaroos—on a cattle ranch in Queensland.

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尤其是,我在畜牧场的时候的一些体会,那时在中部的不知名的小牧场。And in particular, one of the feelings being on the cattle ranch, small cattle ranch in the middle of nowhere.

澳大利亚牧羊场和其它畜牧场的规模一定要大到足以能为成千的牲畜提供充足的饲料。Australian sheep stations and other livestock farms must be large to provide grazing for thousands of animals.

这两人还拥有附近一家奶牛场,据他们所言,他们是该县唯一的最大畜牧场主。The pair also own a nearby dairy farm, making them the single biggest livestock owners in the county, they say.

试验期间,饲料由吉林省农业学校畜牧场饲料加工车间自行配制。All the feed were made up by the processing-workshop of feedstuff in the animal farm in the Jilin agriculture academy.

一辆载着牛驶往畜牧场的卡车在芝加哥的一条高速公路上翻了车,几只牛逃了出来。When a truck containing cattle bound for the stockyards overturned on a Chicago freeway, several of the animals escaped.

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于是到了星期一,懒汉杰克又出门去了,这回他在一家畜牧场找了个工作,最后得了一头驴子回来。Well, on the Monday, Lazy Jack went once more, and hired himself to a cattle-keeper, who gave him a donkey for his trouble.

他是个沉默寡言的人,美国出生,父亲是瑞典人,他本人是畜牧场冷藏车的清洁工。He was a silent man, American born, of a Swede father, and now employed as a cleaner of refrigerator cars at the stock-yards.

新世纪的第一个春天,深圳市光明华侨畜牧场又添一大喜事!The first spring of new century, animal form of Shenzhen city bright overseas Chinese buys issue of one great rejoicing again!

雄业牌智能温度控制箱用途十分广泛,可以用于畜牧场,网吧,纺织厂等的智能控制。Our control boxes are used widely, can be used for livestock farms, Internet cafes, textile mills, such as intelligent control.

这一家人自给自足,房子里还有自己的学校、游乐场、畜牧场和菜园,就像个小型小区。The family self-sufficiency, the house also has its own schools, playgrounds, livestock farms and gardens, like a small community.

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1月31日的晚上,一辆卡车满载着60头猪,从中国东部浙江省衢州市的一个畜牧场开往丽水市。On the evening of Jan. 31, a truck loaded with 60 pigs left from a livestock farm in Quzhou to Lishui, eastern China's Zhejiang province.

如果大家知道了畜牧场的环境肯定会震惊,即使有预防措施,畜牧场仍然是一个滋生细菌的大本营。It may surprise many to know that the dairy farm environment, even when every precaution is taken, is a reservoir for illness-causing germs.

镇里唯一一家金融机构信用合作社的一位干部建议说,农业银行可能将贷款发放给身处偏僻地区的一家畜牧场了。Officials at the sole financial institution in town, a credit cooperative, found the suggestion that AgBank would lend to a livestock farmer odd.