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它在人平易近影剧场隔邻。It's next to the People's Cinema.

他为人平易近谋幸福,呼儿咳哟。He works for the people's welfare.

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“立异是一个平易近族前进的魂灵”。Innovation is the soul of national progress.

贫平易近要求多,财迷则样样都要。The poor man wants much, the miser everything.

彩色打印的代价是每页20元人平易近币。The price for color printing is 20RMB per page.

国际长途德律风的收费标准是每分钟8元人平易近币。The price for IDD is the cost plus 8 RMB per minute.

贫平易近眼中的一只羊,贵似富人一头牛。B lamb is as dear to a poor man as an ox to the rich.

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稍后,移平易近者也向西迁移去开发这些新地域。Later, settlers moved west to develop these new areas.

食物严重缺少,伊拉克人平易近正在忍饥受饿。Bn acute lack of food brought hunger to the Iraqi people.

貌寝的配药师测量了难平易近毛毯中的巨年夜插头。The ugly druggist gauged the huge plug in the refugee's rug.

一条积云带在人平易近年夜会堂上空倘佯。A band of cumulus lingered over the Great Hall of the People.

城市居平易近衰亡率比农村居平易近高。City dweller have a higher death rate than country people do.

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城市居平易近衰亡率比农村居平易近高。City dweller have a higher death rate than do country people.

极端愤怒的村平易近在笼子形的戏台上打造了一场惨剧。The villagers in rage caused a tragedy on the cage-like stage.

我真信服你敢于在平易近众场所咬脚趾甲的勇气。I really admire your courage in biting your toe nail in public.

有一个乡村的居平易近知道了这个环境。The citizens of one particular farm village were aware of this.

琐屑的颂文形成选平易近的陈诉的属性。trivial tributes constitute the attribute of constituent's report.

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在维多利亚女王期间,英国殖平易近地敏捷膨胀。In the days of Queen Victoria, the British colony expanded rapidly.

人平易近生活状况的改善有两点原因。There re two resons for the improvent in people's living condition.

这关于北京市和全国人平易近都留下了永世的遗憾。It has left permanent pity for all Beijing citizens and all Chinese.