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我已经洗手不干了。I'm all washed up.

我想洗手不干。I feel like quitting.

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对某事洗手不干…Wash one's hand of v.

洗手不干某事。Wash one's hands off.

对某事洗手不干…Wash one's hand of sth.

毕竟,我已经准备洗手不干了。I'm ready to retire anyway.

我决定洗手不干,迁居纽约。I decided to pack it in and move to New York.

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我已经洗手不干那种肮脏的勾当了。I've washed my hands of the whole sordid business.

我告诉过你我洗手不干了,你怎么又来找我?I told you I was flinging in my hand. Now didn't I?

我已经彻底洗手不干所有的肮脏的勾当了。I have washed my hands of the whole sordid business.

如果基督没有复活,我们大可洗手不干。If Christ has not been raised, we might as well throw in the towel.

现在有传言说,部分萨博的经销商已经打算洗手不干了。Now comes word that some of its dealers are ready to throw in the towel.

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威尔弗雷德受到的短期监禁对他有好处,他出来后决定今后洗手不干。Wilfred good. He's come out determined to keep his nose clean in future.

一个罪犯对违法之事洗手不干真的有那么难吗?Is it really so hard for a wrongdoer to wash his hands of illegal activities?

做了40年旧车买卖后,哈利终于洗手不干了。After being in the used car business for 40 years, Harry finally called it quits.

在伊拉克问题上洗手不干或掉以轻心,这对奥巴马或希拉里来说是不明智的。他会为此承受巨大的压力。Mr Obama or Mrs Clinton will be under huge pressure to wash his or her hands of Iraq.

他既然已经认识到他们所做的是错的,他决定洗手不干了。Now that he realizes what they have been doing is wrong, he decides to wash his hands of it.

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威尔弗雷德受到的短期监禁对他有好处,他出来后决定今后洗手不干。That short prison sentence has done Wilfred good. He's come out determined to keep his nose clean in future.

威尔弗雷德受到的短期监禁对他有好处,他出来后决定今后洗手不干。That short prison sentence has done Wilfred good. He's come out and determined to keep his nose clean in future.

我当然会继续工作,在中国已婚妇女很少洗手不干,她们不想依赖丈夫过日子。I certainly will continue my work. In China married women seldom quit their work. They don't want to be dependent on their husbands.