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我想念妹妹睡梦中的呢喃。I missed my sister's sleepy mumbles.

古老的榆树林中鸽子的呢喃。The moan of doves in immemorial elms.

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但至少他小心呢喃,“哦““哦“But at last he murmured, "Oh," and again, "Oh."

“我崇拜您的广阔无垠。”芦草轻声呢喃。"I admire your immensity, " whispers a bulrush.

茅草棚上燕子的细语呢喃。The swallow twittering from the straw-built shed.

茅草棚上燕子的细语呢喃。Thee swallow twittering from the straw-built shed.

汤姆把艾咪抱在怀里,并在她耳边软语呢喃。Tom held Amy in his arms and whispered in her ear.

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微启的双唇呢喃谁的姓名心头难忘。Enlight lips twitter whose memorable name in my heart.

茉莉呢喃着用花朵来表达对太阳的爱恋。The jasmine’s lisping of love to the sun is her flowers.

屋檐下,去年停留的燕子,呢喃着恩恩爱爱的情话。Under the eaves, last stop twittering swallow, love words.

想用我轻柔温情的呢喃,抚慰你驿动不安的心灵。I want to sooth your upset soul with my soft and sweet whispers.

我旁边的一个女人呢喃着,我明白她所表达的不仅是演唱会带来的震撼。She was expressing something more than just the thrill of a concert.

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就像你读的书里恋人们的求爱和呢喃。Such as you read in your books of the pleadings and wooings of lovers.

轻轻的呢喃着我神秘的名字,带着遗忘的叹息和永世的孤寂。My secret name is whispered by a half-forgotten sigh and out of nothing.

波浪踮着脚尖亲吻你的颈脖,在你耳旁呢喃。The waves will stand a-tiptoe to kiss your neck and whisper in your ears.

咖啡馆几乎空空荡荡,电幕轻声呢喃着一首温柔的乐曲。The place was almost empty. A tinny music was trickling from the telescreens.

镜头瞬即转向Catia,她不再微笑,口中呢喃“我要死在这里了”。The camera panned to Catia, who stopped smiling and murmured, “I’m dying here.”

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听,我的心啊,听那世界的呢喃,这是它对你爱的呼唤!Listen, my heart, to the whispers of the world with which it makes love to you !

古老的屋檐上,归巢的燕子翩飞,呢喃。说着不为人知的悄悄话。The old roof on the homing swallows Pianfei, twitter. Unknown spoke in whispers.

陌生的年轻人呢喃到“老人和小孩,我们都梦想炆墓和丰碑。"Old and young, we dream of graves and monuments, " murmured the stranger youth.