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是否还是一个回文呢?让我提醒你一下。Let me remind you.

这是种很好的提醒。It is a good reminder.

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提醒他们呼吸!Remind them to breathe!

我再提醒你一句So here's another clue.

你在提醒我叶普斯?。Did it remind you of Ypres?

谢谢万水千山来提醒。Thank u for your reminding.

“那提醒了我,”他说。"That reminds me, " he says.

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别说我没提醒你我很毒舌的……I've been advised and warned.

那,你为什么没有提醒我呢?Well, why didn’t you warn me?

欣赏别人的走光还是好意提醒?Enjoy it or remind the person?

请提醒我下午给吴博士去个电话。Remind me that I must call Dr.

宝宝尿湿提醒尿裤。Baby wet diaper pants reminded.

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顺便提醒你,这些箱子都是空的。FYI, these boxes are all empty.

提醒我把那封信寄了。Remind dme to post that letter.

关闭声音提醒和弹出提示。Disable sound alerts and popups.

我得提醒你防着点那个男人。I must warn you against that man.

噢,是啊,谢谢你提醒我。Oh, Yes. Thanks for reminding me!

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这些月历提醒了我之所以坚持这样做的原因。The calendars reminded me of why.

我想提醒大家的是蓖麻毒素是如何工作的。Let me remind you how ricin works.

她提醒我小心扒手。She warned me against pickpockets.