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我们注视着它,这遗落的时光的帕子。We eyed it, the dropped kerchief of time.

你不断的在躲藏吗,是遗落在阴沟之下。Are you hiding away, lost Under the sewers.

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我正将你遗落的耳环握在手里。I'm holding in my hand an earring you once lost.

那,可是你前世遗落的冰泪一滴?Is it the tear that you dropped in previous existence?

抚摸心头的荒芜,哼唱内心遗落许久的感伤。Touch my heart lost for a long time desolate, humming.

羊肉卖了,但总有些羊杂碎遗落在锅里。Lamb sold, but there is sheep offal left behind in the pan.

他们还在遗落在驾驶室的一个钱包中发现了他的身份证件。They had also found his ID papers in a wallet left in the cab.

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遗落了一只耳塞,但已经习惯了只用一只耳塞听歌。Lose a earplugs , but had been accustomed to use a earplugs songs.

尼尼伯,于黑暗遗落诸土间飘荡,聆听,并记住!NINIB, Dark Wandered of the Forgotten Lands, Hearken and Remember!

又像人在利乏音谷拾取遗落的穗子。And it will be as when one gleans the ears In the valley of Rephaim.

恩克的车在出事地点附近被人们发现,没有上锁,座位上还遗落着他的钱包。Enke's car was found near the scene, unlocked, with his wallet on the seat.

绝对不要从雪道往回攀爬,无论什么原因,比如遗落了装备或是其他。Never climb back up the slope whatever the reason, loss equipment or other.

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匆匆走过,你发现许多东西被遗落,许多选择出了错。After time past, we found many things has lossed, and many chooses were wrong.

青春散场,不小心遗落的碎片,扎伤的,不只是心。Crowds of youth, careless of the debris fall, injuries, and not just the heart.

生命的游戏一下子就结束,生命的玩具一件件遗落在后面,然后都被忘记掉。Life's play is swift, Life's playthings fall behind one by one and are forgotten.

在中立中,你能不带审判地确定丢失的自我片段和遗落的梦想。In neutral, you may assess the lost parts of self and lost dreams without judgment.

回家后,孟菲发现徐峰送本人的、最珍爱的项链遗落在了制片室。Back home, MengFei send I, m found the most precious in the film room which necklace.

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我站在紫色的花雨里,捡拾遗落的沉香,风过,花香亲吻你的眼眸。I stand in the purple rain of flowers, picking up lost aloes, wind, flowers kiss your eyes.

她说,书籍、手机、衣物和阅读眼镜是最常见的遗落物品。Books, cellphones, clothing and reading glasses are the most common items left behind, she says.

我今天早上在贵餐厅用餐时把眼镜遗落在那边。您们有没看到?Yes. I had breakfast in your restaurant this morning and left my glasses there. Have your found them?