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昆山有自己的梦想!Kunshan has its dream!

请问您想要什么时候参观昆山?When would you like to visit Kunshan?

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昆山康勤精密阀芯有限公司。Kunshan KCG Precision Valve Co. , Ltd.

昆山一一铝业有限公司。Henan Huilong Aluminium Industry Co. , Ltd.

昆山鸿川建筑材料有限公司。Kunshan Hongchuan Building Materials Co. , Ltd.

第四,要理解昆山,最好亲自走一趟。and the best way to understand China is to go to Kunshan.

是专业电动工具的制造商,位于江苏昆山。A professional electric tool manufacturers, Kunshan in Jiangsu.

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在将来,我相信昆山会是一个非常美丽,非常适合人类居住的一个城市。In the future, I believe Kunshan will be a wonderland for people in the world.

该公司制定了一个项目,在昆山总面积12平方公里。The company developed a project in Kunshan total area of 12 square kilometers.

昆山康的斯公司热忱欢迎国内外客户来电或来信洽谈。You are warmly welcome to call, write or email us and have business talks with us.

今年昆山国际学校国际部将举行第五届科技节。This year Kunshan International School will be hosting its 5th Annual Science Fair.

因此说,云光洞是道教全真教昆山派的发祥地。Thus, the cloud of light holes is the birthplace of Taoism Quanzhen Kunshan school.

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昆山,一个美丽、现代的城市,同样也有她自己的昨天、今天和明天。Kunshan , a beautiful and modern city, also has her own yesterday, today and tomorrow.

昆山始终并将一直是福伊特在中国发展的一个重要中心。Kunshan was always and is one of the important centers of the development of Voith in China.

项目位于中国东北部吉林省长春市,西临临河街、北临昆山路,南临东南湖大路,东临金川街。The Project is located in Changchun city, Jilin Province which is in the northeast of China.

我坚信,这里会有许多像费俊龙一样出色的昆山人,我也将成为他们中的一员。I firmly believe there'll be many great Kunshaness just like Fei Junlong and I will be one of them.

在这个活力,健康,欢乐的夜晚,昆山在为奥运喝彩,共饮啤酒我们为奥运干杯。In this evening full of health, vigor and joy, Kunshan hails the Olympics, beer cheers with Olympics.

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笑笑晴汉语位于中山公园附近,交通便利,并在昆山设有分校。Sunnysmile Mandarin Centre is near to the Zhongshan Park, and there is a branch school in Kunshan City.

昆山经济技术开发区经过20年的发展,取得了令人瞩目的成就。Kunshan Economic & Technological Development Zone is through 20 years development, making great progress.

利用12个微卫星标记分析了昆山麻鸭高产系F0代和F1代遗传多样性,监测选种效果。Breeding surveillance of Kunshan duck was conducted using 12 microsatellite primers in F0 and F1 generation.