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人们三三两两地来到了晚会上。People arrived at the party in-dribs and drabs.

偶尔也有三三两两跑步的年轻人擦肩而过。Occasionally, there are 3,322 young people running pass.

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数千只黑褐色的信天翁栖息在遥远的福克兰岛上,三三两两,无拘无束。Black-browed albatrosses nest by the thousands in the remote Falkland Islands.

与此同时,那些家在本城的走读生们,也正三三两两涌出东面学校的大门。In the same time, the day-students had thronged out of the East gate of school.

三三两两的鸟雀不时在榕树上空盘旋鸣叫。There are small knots of birds frequently hovering and cherupping over the tree.

女孩们背着外宿一夜用的旅行包三三两两地出现,还要再带上一只睡袋和一个枕头。Girls show up carrying overnight bags, complete with a sleeping bag and a pillow.

三三两两的人仍旧在阳台、林荫道和路边的咖啡馆里坐着。Small groups of people still sat along the terraces and boulevards and in the cafés.

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散会后,与会者分成三三两两的小组。As the meeting broke up, the participants divided into smaller segments-twos and threes.

天街夜市,三三两两,全是单身人,于是,凄凄凉凉惹惆怅。Street night market days, 3322, all single people, therefore, Qianqianliangliang Anger melancholy.

在他们等了一些时候之后,三三两两的闲人听到了这件事故渐渐都聚拢来了。A fter they had waited some time , straggling people who had heard of the accident began to come up.

从南侧的岩岛到北侧的设计创意区,三三两两的城市岛屿点缀在这条“支柱”之上。Along the spine, an archipelago of urban islands stretches from Rock Island at the south to the Design District at the north.

还没到下午,三三两两的人拖着疲惫的身体回到村里,那些身强力壮的人还在山洞里搜索。Early in the forenoon parties of jaded men began to straggle into the village, but the strongest of the citizens continued searching.

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我们走上一条泥泞的小道,三三两两的女人,提着水桶走在路上,彩色围巾松散地把头部围起来。We walked in the muddy lanes. Women with heads wrapped loosely in colourful scarves walked in small groups carrying buckets of water.

夕阳西沉,两只喧闹的犀鸟飞过了我的头顶,喜爱在白天活动的卷尾猴们开始三三两两的离去,它们朝着巢所在的方向进发,好在黑夜来临之前赶回去过夜。The sun sinks, a pair of toucans passes noisily overhead, and the diurnal monkeys begin wandering off, heading back to their nests for the night.

几间与此间风景极不协调的工厂三三两两地坐落在田间,但是大部分的土地都是一片葱郁,一直延伸到洞里萨河的宽阔水域处。A few incongruous factories are scattered among the fields, but mostly it's a green landscape that stretches to the broad waters of the Tonle Sap River.

快到吃饭时间了,人们正三三两两地回屋里去,他们都显得无精打彩、萎靡不振-靠诚实劳动换饭吃的人总是这样的。It is getting toward dinner time and people are straggling back to their rooms with that weary, dejected air which comes from earning a living honestly.

幽暗的天幕已经卷了起来,天色微明,使我们看得清远处的岛屿,三三两两点缀在珠江三角洲的中间。The dark heavenly curtain had rolled up and it was bright enough for us to see distant islands dotting here and there at the estuary of the Pearl River.

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我记得漫步在这美丽校园时的情景,阳光洒在我雪白的大腿上,三三两两的学生围坐在一起吃着三明治看着书。I remember walking around on this beautiful campus, the sun shining on my bare white legs, watching small groups of students sit in the grass with a sandwich and a book.

哲学家率众弟子继续往前走,前面是一片农舍,鸡鸣桑树,犬叫深巷,三三两两的人穿梭忙碌着。They continuously walked ahead. There were farmhouses in front with the crowing of cocks in mulberry trees and the barking of dogs in the deep lanes and small knots of people walking fast to be busy.