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哌嗪是常见的中间体。Piperazine is a familiar intermediate.

分析了哌嗪的市场前景。The market prospects of piperazine is analyzed also.

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目的观察左羟丙哌嗪的镇咳作用。Aim To observe the antitussive effect of levodropropizine.

本发明涉及通式I的哌嗪类。The present invention relates to piperazines of formula I.

为哌啶或哌嗪环,其可具有桥基或稠合环。Q is a piperidine or piperazine ring that can have a bridge or a fused ring.

本文首先简要介绍了无水哌嗪的市场发展情况以及相关用途。The paper has reviewed the market development and related uses of piperazine.

与N-甲基哌嗪缩合的溶剂为二甲基亚砜。Dimethyl sulfoxide was the best solvent in the N-methylpiperazine condensation.

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介绍了由脂肪胺合成哌嗪的几种方法。Some method about synthesis of piperazine with aliphatic amine were introduced.

本文讨论了以羟胺为原料环合得到哌嗪及其衍生物。The synthesis of piperazine and its derivatives from hydroxylamine was discussed in this paper.

目的研究芳烷醇哌嗪类化合物的合成及抗抑郁活性。Aim To study the synthesis and antidepressant activities of aryl alkanol piperazine derivatives.

目的改进盐酸环丙沙星制备中的哌嗪缩合反应。Objective To improve Piperazine condensation reaction in the preparation of Ciprofloxacin hydrochloride.

二是直接用无水哌嗪与2,3-二氯溴苯通过乌尔曼反应合成。Another way was to combine directly anhydrous piperazine with 2,3-dichloro- bromobenzene through Ullmann reaction.

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哌嗪,对二氮已环一种无色晶体化合物,c4h10n2,用作环氧。A colorless crystalline compound, C4H10N2, used as a hardener for epoxy resins, an antihistamine, and an anthelmintic.

首次设计并制备了二种以茄呢基胺和茄呢基哌嗪为载体的新型氮芥衍生物。Two new nitrogen mustard compounds using solanesylamines as the targeted carriers were first designed and synthesized.

介绍了哌嗪的国内外市场状况、价格走势及主要生产方法。This paper introduces the marketing situation, price trend and major production processes of piperazine at home and abroad.

方法以无水哌嗪为起始原料,经酰化、还原、胺化、成盐等反应制得盐酸特拉唑嗪。METHODS Terazosin hydrochloride was synthesized from anhydro-piperazine via acylation, reduction, amination, salification etc.

目的对二苯甲基哌嗪的原工艺进行改进,并利用正交设计的方法对其条件进行优化。Objective To improve synthesis method and the reaction condition of benzhydrylpiperazine by using orthogonal experimental design.

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介绍了哌嗪的生产方法、主要用途、国内外市场情况以及哌嗪的主要衍生物,并提出了建议。The production, application, market in domestic and foreign and derivation of piperazine is introduced. The propose is put forward.

通过冷冻、共沸蒸馏,从多乙烯多胺混合物中分离出哌嗪。Piperazine was separated from ethylenediamine byproduct polyethylene polyamines mixture by refrigeration and azeotrope distillation.

本文报导了五种7—哌嗪喹诺酮类化合物的EI谱,并讨论了特征碎片离子的裂解规律。In this paper EI Mass Spectra of five 7-Piperazing Quinolones were measured. The fragmentations of characteristic fragment ions were discussed.