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殿下,请原谅我献上这般菲薄的礼品。Prince, please forgive this shabby present.

菲薄的待遇使他不想接受这项工作。The low salary did not dispose him to accept the position.

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服装业中的外包工通常工酬菲薄。Outworkers in the clothing industry are usually badly paid.

我怜悯任何必要以如此菲薄的收益养活百口的人。I pity anyone who has to feed a family on such a low income.

你愿意光临我们菲薄的酒会吗?Will you do us the great favour of partaking of our humble wine?

“美不过是菲薄之物”这句话自身就是菲薄的。The saying that beauty is but skin-deep is but a skin-deep saying.

我对英语的终生兴趣和菲薄功底,是在中学时代开始的。My English skill, thinning and lifelong interest in secondary school.

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菲薄的人信赖运气,而告捷的第一秘诀是自信。Shguide men haudio-videoe faith in luck. Self-trust is the first secret of success.

由于待遇菲薄,那年伦敦雇用得到的临时教师更少了。That year there were fewer temporary teachers to plug in London because of low pay.

因为在崇拜中,你们不可能飞得比他们的希望更高,也不可能因自我菲薄而降得比他们的失望还低。For in adoration you cannot fly higher than their hopes nor humble yourself lower than their despair.

原因之一,是家长不愿意为一门日暮西山、收入菲薄的艺术形式而牺牲自己的孩子。This is partly because parents are less willing to make sacrifices for a dying and poorly paid art form.

农民脱离家走进城市,为了菲薄单薄的工资在又苦又累的工厂工作。Peasants leave their homes and head to the cities, where they work in Dickensian factories for low wages.

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疤痕可以是菲薄萎缩性的,也可以形成肿瘤样的过度生长。Scars may be thin and atrophic, or the fibrous elements may develop into neoplastic overgrowths, as in keloids.

那些在这里战斗的勇士,活着的和死去的,已使这块土地神圣化了,远非我们的菲薄能力所能左右。The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, for above our poor power to add or detract.

低倍镜下见大小不等的囊肿被菲薄的纤维性隔膜分割开。This low-power scan of the glass slide nicely illustrates the small and large cysts separated by thin fibrous septa.

可往常我顾不得本人的幸运了,首先要做的既是用本人菲薄之力点醒少数梦中人。But now I did not own happiness, the first thing to do is use yourimmolation maybe wake up a few propelling the points.

持续的教育经费缩减意味着教师超负荷工作,相比高要求,他们的收入菲薄。Constantly cutting education budgets means that teachers are overworked and underpaid for what they are being asked to do.

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磨削骨半规管透过菲薄的骨质显示暗蓝色的膜半规管即为“蓝线”。The bony semicircular canal was drilled until it was so thin that the membranous canal was visible as blue color, called blue line.

前房角镜检查,术区小梁膜菲薄隐见透明间腔19眼,4眼小梁膜菲薄区不明显。The gonioscopy showed the thinner corneosclera and a transparent cavity at the surgical site in 19 eyes, but not in the rest 4 eyes.

颊部皮肤“以Z”瓣交叉,避免瘢痕直线收缩和组织菲薄的凹陷性畸形。The skin of cheek was crossed by Z flap to prevent the scar from shrinking straightly and the thin tissues from depressed deforming.