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我到处坐坐。I sat around.

到处都是鱼。Fish everywhere.

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到处都是书。Books everywhere!

到处是一片黑暗。It is a bit nippy.

到处都是咩咩声。Everywhere a baa baa.

我最好到处走走。I better walk around.

我可以带你到处走走。I can show you around.

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到处都是呼噜声。Everywhere a oink oink.

你可以带我到处走走。You can show me around.

这里那里,到处都是。Be there. Be everywhere.

我到处都找遍了。I've searched everywhere.

还是只是到处随风飘荡。Stupid is as stupid does.

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你还到处瞎跑一气!And you’re running around!

到处响起了号声。Bugles sounded everywhere.

他在镇上到处遛达。He strolls about the town.

到处皆然。It's like this everywhere.

她到处推销文具用品。She travels in stationery.

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到处摇摇你的手。And you shake it all about.

他发觉她在到处寻乐。He found her batting round.

没事到处转了转,明天去交大。I will go to SJTU tomorrow.