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茱迪是个阴阳人。One that is epicene.

茱迪是个阴阳人。Judy is an epicene person.

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中国中医学上就有阴阳人这种说法。There are bisexual persons in traditional Chinese medicine.

OII尊重不同的阴阳人与阴阳人团体的意见。OII respects opinions from different intersexed people and groups.

两性阴阳人的观念在西方文化历史中扮演著重要的角色。The idea of hermaphroditism has played a significant role in Western cultural history.

在巴基斯坦,这种通常被称为阴阳人的孩子备受歧视,往往一出生即被遗弃。Often called eunuchs, such children are highly stigmatized in Pakistan and often abandoned at birth.

又因为语法所迫,总得在阴阳性中选一个归属,于是阴阳人是阳性的,而犹豫不决是阴性。Forced by the grammar to take a stand one way or the other, hermaphrodite is male and indecisiveness female.

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这里没有任何阴阳人的意见会受到责难,即使是难以瞭解或者是有人可能会反对的意见。No intersex voices censured here, even those which might be hard to understand or objectionable to some people.

自青海省的26岁阴阳人患者将接受收费手术调整。A 26-year-old intersexual from Qinghai Province will receive free surgery to become fully male today in Beijing.

14岁的卡莉欧碧·斯迪芬奈兹患上了罕见的基因隐性突变,使她成为了一名阴阳人。At 14, Calliope Stephanides discovers she has a rare recessive mutation that renders her a pseudo-hermaphrodite.

她担心地想,他会不会是人们所说的那种阴阳人?但很快她就否定了自己的假想。She wondered for a moment whether he might be what people called effeminate, but she dismissed the idea quickly.

“证明我的爱”是的胆怯,难忍欲望的场景,一个精疲力竭的阴阳人困在一个堕落的性爱地铁。"Justify My Love" is an eerie, sultry tableau of jaded androgynous creatures, trapped in a decadent sexual underground.

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她的政敌说她根本没有生理功能,是一个阴阳人,我认为这种观点不可信。Her rival says she basically has no physiology function, is a bisexual person, I think this kind of standpoint can't believe.

我们也邀请大家针对争议性的议题与诸如性别、宗教、政治及其他议题发表阴阳人观点。We also invite intersex perspectives on controversial topics and issues such as sexuality, religion, politics and other issues.

如果你不喜欢某位阴阳人朋友所说的话,请再多深入阅读一些,另外一位可能会比较和你同调喔。If you don't like what one person says here, just look a little further and another intersex person will probably be on your wavelength.

14岁的卡莉欧碧·斯迪芬奈兹患上了罕见的基因隐性突变,使她成为了一名阴阳人。At 14, Calliope Stephanides discovers she has a rare recessive mutation that renders her a pseudo-hermaphrodite. Claiming her "male brain", she shifts genders and becomes Cal.

如果男女同性恋运动接受了这项研究,如果教育系统讲授了这些研究结果,那么同性恋者和阴阳人就不会遭遇如此多的歧视。If the gay and lesbian movement was to embrace this research and, if the education system taught these findings, homosexual and transsexual people would not encounter as much prejudice.

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在军对中,许多人更加直言不韪,对同性恋者的刻板映像是,他们是迈着小步快步行走的阴阳人,那是个卡通形象,五角大楼调查显示,这个形象在个人认识形态上正在消失。Many in the military, more bluntly, have a stereotype of gays as mincing, epicene “others” —a cartoon image which, the Pentagon survey shows, overwhelmingly evaporates on personal acquaintance.

英语国家用一种转动的动作,这是摇头动作的弱化,意思是马马虎虎、有一点儿犹柔寡断或犹豫不决,也可表示同性恋者或阴阳人。Rotating one's hand around is a weakened form of shaking one's head in some English-speaking countries. This shows carelessness, hesitation. It also can indicate a homosexual or bisexual person.

所以这里允许人们讨论争议、表达反对,只要能够做自己,发表自己对于阴阳人的感受而不需要感到担心可能会冒犯其他的会员。Therefore, people are allowed to be controversial, to disagree, to simply be themselves and state how they feel about intersex without worrying who might take offense, including other members of OII.