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两年前我的父亲故去。I lost my father two years ago.

他的第一房夫人在2004年故去了。His first wife passed away in 2004.

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她53岁生日过后5天故去了。Mom died five days after her 53rd birthday.

简·布隆迪的丈夫李察·恩奎斯特,于3月18日故去。Richard Engquist, Jane Brody's husband, died March 18.

我宁愿在你的怀抱受尽折磨也不愿离你故去。I would rather suffer in your arms than die without you.

而当我们都故去时,人们仍会知道阿基里斯的事迹And when we're all gone, people will know about Achilles.

她丈夫突然故去,给她留下了五个孩子。Her husband died suddenly, leaving her with five children.

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正邪之争仍将延续,就算乔布斯故去后也依然会如此。The good vs. evil battle will continue, even without Jobs.

吸口灵烟,望长空慰祭故去之人。Have a smoke and look to the vast sky to console the departed.

她想换一下这个名字,以纪念孩子故去的爷爷。She wants to switch the name to honor her son's deceased grandfather.

为了逃避爸爸的冷漠,我埋首翻阅故去的母亲留下的书本。That was how I escaped my father's aloofness, in my dead mother's books.

长已经告诉我,康尼在早上11点故去了。I aleasysty understanding since the head nurse these Connie get died at 11 A.

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他是查尔斯·巴斯克维尔爵士的弟弟的儿子,他弟弟自己已在数年前故去。He is the son of Sir Charles Baskerville's younger brother, who died some years ago.

它按照现在的意思出现在英语里面还是在莎士比亚故去,距今大约400年前。The word found its way into English just after Shakespeare's lifetime about 400 years ago.

我心爱的狗马撒因意外疾病而故去后,不久杰克就出现在我们生活中。He came into our lives shortly after I lost my beloved dog Martha to an unexpected illness.

苏切注意到伊欧的表情不对劲,借故去洗手间把苏舒薇带走。Sue notice, the expression is wrong, an excuse to go to the bathroom and take away Su Shu eu.

如果一位亲人故去,许多信奉宗教的亲戚会相信人有来世,以此安慰自己。When humans die, many religious relatives have the consolation of their belief in an afterlife.

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然而,迄今为止,这个故去作家的拥趸似乎并没有在这方面忧虑过多。But, so far, the late author's partisans would seem tohave nothing to worry about in that regard.

她上了年纪,好唠叨,她故去的丈夫是典当商,为了某种虔诚的原因收集邮票。She was an old, garrulous woman, a pawnbroker's widow, who collected used stamps for some pious purpose.

那次经历---以及攀爬或走进故去时那种真切感受的图景---就一直留在我心里。That experience—and the visceral draw of climbing or walking into the past—has remained with me ever since.