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妈妈对我总是关怀备至。Mother always cares about my studies.

我生病时我的同学对我关怀备至。My friend am bad to me when I am ill.

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玥藉词探望荣,关怀备至。Through word honor, he took good care visits.

关怀备至,用心服务,我们期待着您。Care, whole-hearted service, we look forward to seeing you.

告诉你,我多么感谢你对我的关怀备至。To let you know how much your thoughtfulness is appreciated.

告诉你,我多么感谢你对我关怀备至。To let you know how much your thoughtfulness is appreciated.

我想念你的棕褐色肌肤,你甜美的笑容,对我关怀备至,那麽刚好。I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile, so good to me, so right.

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论你是否知道该说什么和做什么,重要的是怀揣一颗关怀备至的心。Just be there to care, whether you know what to do and say or not.

我认为“足球妈妈”是那种关怀备至的家长。It's like, I think a soccer mom usually is considered a caring parent.

叶父待佟美关怀备至,送佟美到附近的宾馆开了一间客房。Ye Fu tong beauty care, to take tong beauty to a nearby hotel opened a room.

她对你关怀备至,而你也视她为你的哥们儿,她的事你也总是义不容辞。She caring for you, and you have her as your buddy, she's always things you have unshirkable.

夫人关怀备至,赶紧在盘子里加食,直到我吃得撑死。She shows loving care for me and hastens to add more food on my plate until I eat myself sick.

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他对这副昂贵的手套关怀备至,从不让它们沾一滴水或一滴雨,所以一直看起来都像新的。He had taken care not to let a drop of water or rain touch his expensive gloves, so they looked like new.

逢天气剧变或身体不适便嘘寒问暖,关怀备至。When weather changes or physical discomfort will ask people whether they feel hot, show the utmost solicitude.

为人善良更具魅力。一个有亲和力的人会是一位体贴的伴侣,而且很可能是一位关怀备至的家长。Being kind has obvious attractions. A kind person will make a good partner and will probably be a caring parent.

小笨熊感到心里一阵伤心,从小奶奶对自个关怀备至,而自个对奶奶却太忽略了。Benxiong feel sad little heart burst, since a caring grandmother grew up, and since a grandmother was too neglected.

关怀备至,绩效为本的氛围,增强了企业的凝聚力,促进IIPC人与企业一起成长。Through a nurturing and achievement-oriented environment, IIPC encourages employees to participate actively in company growth.

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支前队队长谭捷前来医院看到马龙,她是赵政委的爱人,对马龙也是关怀备至。Former captain Tan Jie to come to the hospital to see Malone, she is the lover, Zhao Zhengwei took good care of Malone is also.

大约40多年前,我的一位朋友对一个我认为不值得爱的人关怀备至。It was 40 years ago or more that I observed a friend of mine showing great affection for someone I considered unworthy of love.

无论你系搭紧香港嘅港铁抑或深圳地铁龙华线,都可以享受一样咁关怀备至嘅服务。Whether you are travelling on the MTR in Hong Kong or on the Shenzhen Metro Longhua Line, you will enjoy the same caring service!