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他是一个卖国贼。He is a quisling.

他被称为卖国贼。He was dubbed a traitor.

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他被指为卖国贼。He was branded a traitor.

从那以后他被加上卖国贼的污名。From then on he was branded as traitor.

会不会说成跟叛贼或卖国贼谈判!Would you treat with arable, a traitor!

卖国贼应受国家的惩罚。The traitor deserves ill of his country.

这一卖国贼营垒是中国人民的死敌。The traitors were spat on and cursed by the people.

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是丑恶卑劣的卖国贼!那是你想听到的吗?A filthy cowardly traitor! That's what you want to hear?

它号召巴基斯坦人起来反抗“卖国贼”。It called on Pakistan to rise up against the "traitors".

达赖集团的恶僧卖国贼该当何罪?How to process these separatist monks of the Dalai Clique.

那个卖国贼在企图逃离这个国家时被逮捕。The traitor was captured trying to escape from the country.

这一卖国贼营垒是中国人民的死敌。This camp of traitors are deadly enemies of the Chinese people.

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全中国人民都会这么说,谁敢做中国的大汉奸,卖国贼?Chinese people will say, who would do China's big traitor, traitor?

你要是去沃尔玛买东西,你就是卖国贼。If you're buying Chinese crap at Wal-Mart you are being unpatriotic.

哇,这么多西方人和卖国贼想要中国陷入混乱中。Wow, so many Westerners and traitors want china to fall into turmoil.

海峡里的卖国贼直接主动地告诉了我饵的特性。The traitor in strait straight forwardly told me the traits of the bait.

所以,对大多数犹太人来说,所有税吏都是盗贼和卖国贼。As far as most Jews were concerned, all tax collectors were thieves and traitors.

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后者和帮助他们的美国政客一样,都是真正的卖国贼。The latter are truly traitors as are the politicians on the USA that helped this.

白宫认为外交部都是些左倾份子和卖国贼。Apparently, the White House thinks that the Foreign Office is full of pinkos and traitors.

立即肃清潜藏在中国境内的汉奸卖国贼分子和一切日寇的侦探,巩固后方。Immediately weed out allthehidden traitors and Japanese agents in Chinaand soconsolidate our rear.