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我的宝贝,宝贝,宝贝新手。My baby, baby, baby noo.

我不完全是一个新手。I am not a complete newbie.

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你将永远都是个新手。You will be newbie forever.

他是个新手,对此工作尚还生疏。He is still gren at this job.

我知道,新手错误。Yeah, I know. Rookie mistake.

对于跑步新手少即是多。A. Less is more for beginners.

他是个新手,对此工作尚还生疏。He is still green at this job.

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网络聊天上我是个新手.I am new to internet chatting.

我帮里沙买了一块新手表。I helped Lisa buy a new watch.

新手,希望别见笑啊!Novice, I hope not laughed ah!

对于新手非常有帮助的一个特性A great feature for landlubbers

它成了新手们上网的通道。It became the onramp for newbies.

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我帮里沙买了一块新手表。I helped Sally to buy a new watch.

一个驯狮新手正在接受采访。A novice lion tamer was interviewed.

不要占那新手的便宜吧。Don't take advantage of the greenhorn.

本人新手一名,系旧相薄找反出来的。From your photos, are not a fresh guy.

参加这个新手训练营,从而了解更多内容。Enroll in this boot camp to learn more.

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如果你是新手,可以点击两下,然后弄明白。Novices can figure it out in two clicks.

在养鸟方面,我完全是一个新手。I am a complete beginner to bird-keeping.

那个新手兽人甚至不能打到德鲁依。That newbie Orc can't even hit the Druid.