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她拿过罩子将打字机套上。She drew a cover over the typewriter.

需要罩子盖住您的外衣吗?Would you like a cover for your coat?

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说着,他扯下了笼子的罩子。With that, he tore the cover off the cage.

约柜的罩子没有被提到,天使没有被提到。The ark cover isn't mentioned, the cherubim aren't mentioned.

这款奇怪的产品甚至还有一个装饰用的罩子可以选择使用。The bizarre product is even available with a decorative cover.

在营地一边,是一个深色罩子遮蔽着如滑石粉般柔软的沙地上一道新开的凹槽。Off to one side a dark canopy shaded a fresh cut in the talcum-soft sand.

我们卖到西班牙的大部分罩子都是用涂银面料和无纺布面料。Most covers we have been selling to Spain are made of Silver fabric and nonwoven.

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花盆上罩一个玻璃罩子,种在花盆里的花只能遵循这个玻璃罩的形态体式去生长。Cover a flowerpot with a glass hood, let the plants fill every corner in this hood.

它们长有一大片的皮瓣,在睡觉时可用作遮脸的罩子。They have a large flap of skin that they use as a mask to cover their face when they sleep.

早晨她拿下罩子——老鹰躺在笼底上死了!可是,这一回鹦鹉的羽毛全没了。In the morning she took the cover off — and there was the eagle, dead on the floor of the cage!

她只是僵硬坐在套着深蓝色罩子的沙发的边缘,凝望着天空,一动不动。She just sat stiffly on the edge of the dark blue velvet-covered sofa, staring into space, unmovable.

几百年前,当人们抬头仰望夜空时,都认为地球被一个黑色的罩子包裹着。Centuries ago, human beings looked up at the night sky and imagined that a black globe enveloped the Earth.

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但只是隔壁人家屋顶上一个带罩子的铁皮烟囱的影子。It was the shadow produced by a chimney-pipe of sheet iron, with a hood, which rose above a neighboring roof.

可口可乐公司在商店的入口买了有蓝色罩子的红色饮料冰箱。Coke also paid for the red refrigerated drink cooler at the entrance to the shop, which is protected by a blue cage.

另外漆好的表面在油漆未干时要用罩子或硬纸板遮住,以防沾上灰尘。Additionally Qi Hao 's surface is painting when working, want to obscure with cover or chipboard, touch dirt in case.

美孚灯罩子有红纸剪成的遮光帽,全舱灯光红红的如过年办喜事。The kerosene lamp had a red paper cover which flooded the cabin with a rosy light as if for some wedding or festival.

它们长有一大片的皮瓣,在睡觉时可用作遮脸的罩子。It is a solitary animal that spends daylight roosting under a palm leaf, and then flies high at night, hunting moths and other flying insects.

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这种罩子更专业更商务,该公司声称,接下来的几周,用户会有更多的选择。These covers also look more professional and business-like and the company said a range of options were expected to introduced in coming weeks.

在法语和英语国家,都曾有过一段时间流行将这种防虫罩挂在长沙发上,人们除了可以睡下,还可以坐在罩子上。Both in French and in English it was for a time fashionable to use such a bug net hanging over a couch not only to sleep on, but to just sit on.

风来时,连地面上的阳光也流动着,总觉得要飞起来了,带走那个绿罩子,或许连同那个小亭子。Wind the hour , Flow sunlight on the surface of the earth , Invariably feeling will flit , Carry that green shade , Maybe along with that little kiosk.