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伊尔-96-300的剩余部件。Remains of Il-96-300.

不要浪费剩余的荤菜。Don’t waste the carcass.

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我能把剩余的现金取回来吗?Also, could I get cash back?

剩余的人幸免于难。The remaining people survived.

剩余的时间是可以测量的。The remnant time was measurable.

巴西有很多剩余咖啡。Brazil has a big surplus of coffee.

早晨的时候将剩余的粉末倒出。Dump out the powder in the morning.

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他狼吞虎咽地吃剩余的食物。He ate the remains of food hungrily.

执行构造函数的剩余部分。Executes the rest of the constructor.

我们怎样消磨剩余时间?How will we kill the rest of the time?

他期待着捡点剩余的渣子。Stalin expected to pick up the pieces.

牛一蓓剩余的日子不多了。The bud had only a short time to rest.

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除欧洲以外,世界剩余的部分都被卷入其中。The rest of the world was caught in it.

受油舱的剩余舱容是否已检查?Is the capacity of receiving tank checked?

请把剩余的留下放在桌子上。Please leave the hand- outs on the tables.

将剩余的一个蛋黄打散,加入2大勺清水,搅拌均匀。Break the yolk, add 2 tbsp water, mix well.

重新加热剩余的禽肉直到冒热蒸汽。Reheat leftover poultry until steaming hot.

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我们将在稍后讨论剩余的区域。We will discuss the remaining fields later.

那么对剩余部分的积压将会如何处理呢?What to do with all the rest of the backlog?

王家岭剩余32名矿工的救助进入关键时刻。Rescue effort for 32 miners in crucial phase.