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他们还有什么可巩固的?What do they have to consolidate?

学生在操练完后,相反音小游戏巩固。Let's play an opposite voice game.

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如何巩固和发展中国天然橡胶产业?。How to consolidate and develop CNRI?

教师带领学生复习巩固节假日名称。Review the 9 holidays of P48. Part B.

哈基姆的争论只会巩固它。Hakim's argument merely reinforces it.

为此,他提出三点建议,一要在巩固政治互信的基础上提高战略协作水平。He raised three proposals to that end.

矿灯巩固在矿工的头盔上。A miner's lamp is fixed onto his helmet.

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但现在他们需巩固这一进展。But now they need to cement this progress.

现在是我们做课外巩固练习的时候了。It's time for us to do some extra exercises.

轻拍罐子外侧面巩固土壤。Tap the sides of the pot to settle the soil.

什么类型的家庭作业才是能让学生最高效地巩固所学知识呢?What are the most effective types of homework?

他们是如何实现巩固工作的呢?How do they approach this consolidation effort?

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分小组练习对话并表演巩固所学内容。Practise the dialogue and act out it in groups.

然后你可以以此为基础,巩固你的词汇。And then you can build on that, your vocabulary.

我们的目标是进一步巩固贸易关系。Our object is to further cement trade relations.

这也有助于巩固我们的在线市场地位。It also helped fortify our market position online.

狗娃为巩固地位,决定杀鸡儆猴。Gowardesh to consolidate position, decided to scare.

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当你没有得到这份工作从而继续你的平庸角色,你的定位就会再一次得到巩固。Your identity is reinforced again. You are mediocre.

生活的美化者,社会的巩固者!The beautifier of life, the consolidation of society!

一连串的法律纠纷反倒巩固了他的统治法理。A handful of legal skirmishes have strengthened his hand.