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不要再混日子!No longer laze away.

不要混日子。Don't dawdle away your time.

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吉姆仍然在混日子。Jim is still muddling along.

汤姆仍然在胡混日子。Tom is still muddling along.

他每天都在混日子。He is mucking about every day.

我们一天天地混日子。We muddle along from day to day.

他无所事事,只是混日子。He does nothing, just drifts along.

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那些蠢人和混日子的人会幸运一些。The stupid and the timeservers were lucky.

来美国快一年了,没有读书,只是在老哥这里混日子。It is almost one year that I have been in USA.

这样的工作是多么的无聊,我觉得我在那里就是为了混日子的。This work is very boring, I think I was there to dawdle of.

老师告诉学生们别混日子。The teacher told the students not to dawdle away their time.

不要再混日子了,小心日子把你给混了。Don't laze away any more, be careful of being erased by days. ?

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在没有长远计划的时候,很容易混日子。It's an easy way to get by when you don't have a long-term plan.

秤子可不会满足于仅在偏远的别墅里混日子。Libra, you are not content to just laze around a secluded villa.

他们不钻研技术,不精心业务,晚来早走混日子。They do not study technology, elaborate business, go late to dawdle.

莎莲娜,别在化学课上混日子了,不然你期末考试会不及格的!Salena, stop goofing off in chemistry or you will fail the final exam!

有计划的人通常来说比那些糊里糊涂混日子的人做得好。People with plans generally do better than those who just muddle along.

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莎莲娜,别在化学课上混日子了,不然你期末考试会不及格的!Salena, stop gooffing off in chemistry or you will fail the final exam!

你别再混日子啦,像你这岁数早该找个活儿干了。You'd better not to muck about any more. You're old enough to get a job.

当然,如果是混日子的做法,那就只能做个拷贝者。Of course, if be the practice of dawdle , that can do a person that copy only.