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你是想为我解忧吗?Be you trying to distract me?

你可用唱歌解忧消愁!You can sing your cares away!

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你是想为我解忧吗?。Are you trying to distract me?

另一项研究显示狒狒能解忧。Another showed bereavement in baboons.

贞雅看着为本人解忧的根秀。Expedient for himself, looking at the root of melancholy show.

可以在你烦恼的时候为您解忧,开心时候与您共享。May in your worry time dispels melancholy for you, happy time shares with you.

或者人们认为吸烟可以解忧这个想法是科学的吗?Or might it mean that the whole idea that smoking relieves stress is illusory?

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痛苦时友谊能宽解忧愁,高兴时友谊使欢乐倍增。Friendship reduces sorrow in times of pain and adds to joy in times of pleasure.

而且,五个吸烟者中有一位现在为吸烟解忧有找到了一些新的借口。Moreover, the one-in-five adults who smoke now have a new reason to feel stressed.

何以解忧?唯有暴富。上帝啊,用钱砸我吧。给我一条路走吧。How to solve this worry?Only be wealthy. God, throw money towards me, give me a path.

人们到海边,解忧,喜乐,单纯的一种享受与体验。People go to the seaside to catch a new breath, to play, a simple joy and experience.

这位解忧公主啊是继细君公主之后又一位远嫁乌孙的西汉公主。Princess Jieyou was another Western Han princess married to a Wusun king following Princess Xijun.

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至少他喜欢这样认为。他为她解忧了吗?没有。是汤姆,即使阿兰曾付出所有的激情爱着她。At least he thought so. Had he healed her?No, it was Tom, though Alen loved her extrmely passionately.

问问吸烟的人为什么他们吸烟,你可能听到的答案就是解忧。Ask cigarette smokers why they light up and one answer you're likely to hear is that it relieves stress.1

结果表明银屑解忧膏可选择性地调节免疫功能。The results showed that psoriasis modulating mixture had selective regulation effects on immune responses.

举例来说,有人藉酒消愁、看电视、听歌或去看斗牛、斗鸡、斗狗的比实以解忧。For instance someone drinking out of depression, watching T. V. , listening to songs or going to the races out of depression.

如果我们在调查中涉及到了被调查者心理特征,我们就会发现吸烟会稍稍起到解忧作用或是根本不起作用。Had we done so, it is possible we would have found that the independent effect of smoking on stress was weak or non-existent.

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烟雨在院子的围墙上发现了阳明君留下的解忧石,知道了阳明又翻墙偷看她。Misty rain on the walls of the courtyard found Yang who leave the melancholy of stone, know the yang-ming again over the wall looking at her.

谢小诺特意化了妆去见戴骨顺,却看到蓝菲儿一幕,心里不爽却又没法表达,回家倒立解忧。Xie Xiaonuo specially made up to see a bone, only to see the blue and scene, not great but couldnt express in my heart, home handstand melancholy.

感谢你,亲爱的知交,在我陷于最阴暗低谷的日子里,不厌其烦的倾听我对无法挽回伤逝的泣诉,为我分解忧痛!Thank you, dear friend, I was in the dark trough in days, not to mind taking the trouble to me for irreparable grief cry, for I decomposition with grief!