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这就是异性相吸的原因所在。This is why opposites attract.

晚会和爽滑的异性气息。A party and the talcum smell of sex.

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人们说,“异性相吸”。People say that "opposites attract."

白喉抗毒素是异性蛋白。Diphtheria antitoxin is a foreign protein.

你的大脑也影响你的情感幸福,以及你能和异性相处多融洽。Don't get too matey with him he's a rogue.

我想异性相吸是对的。I guess it's true that "opposites attract"!

什么样的异性会令你回头?。What kinds of isomerism will turn your head?

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我猜可能是异性相吸吧。I guess it was a case of opposites attracting.

萤火虫用它们的光亮来吸引异性。Fireflies use their light for attracting mates.

许多喜欢穿异性服装的男生是异性恋。Most guys who like cross-dressing are heterosexual.

她不喜欢由异性奉陪。She does not enjoy the company of the opposite sex.

这有点像柏拉图式的异性友谊。This is somewhat like platonic cross-sex friendships.

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身边不断会有异性出现,满面春风,与异性十分投契。Easily meet your opposite sex, so enjoy your courtship.

这些微妙的性芳香把异性性爱推向疯狂!These subtle sex perfumes drive the opposite sex crazy!

他们跟异性约会时,他们的父母连知道都不知道,也插不上手来帮帮忙。They do it without the knowledge or help or their parents.

这么大的喙是为了吸引潜在的异性伴侣?Is the oversized bill an advertisement for potential mates?

同性电荷相斥,异性电荷相吸。Like charges repel each other while opposite charges attract.

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煤化程度越高,煤的各向电异性越明显。Greater degree of coalification makes more obvious anisotropy.

就像氢和氧,有些人成双成对的缘故是因为异性相吸。Like hydrogen and oxygen, for some couples, opposites attract.

比如,蝎子和沙丘鹤就是靠舞姿来吸引异性的。Scorpions and sandhill cranes, for instance, dance to impress.