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我们也可以在我们的界河边放上一些士卒。We can also set out a few pawns, on our side of the river.

将领和士卒离散,军中无大将时,可以攻击。When a general is separated from his soldiers, they can be attacked.

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士卒不混乱,纪律就严明了。When the soldiers are not disordered, discipline will be well maintained.

舍弃笨重装备,少带粮食,以激发士卒死战的决心。Abandoning armor and carrying minimal rations, this is to motivate the troops.

士卒之所以不怕打仗,在于服从命令。The reason why officers are not afraid of war is because of following commands.

不奖赏士卒,士卒就不会在战斗中拼效力。If he is petty and does not reward his men well, his men would not give their best.

先秦时期“军吏”指士卒之上的各级军官。The pre-Qin period "army's official" means the officers at all levels above soldiers.

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士卒在布阵中的位置,按左、右、行、列分布。Inside the formations, should use left, right, row and column to define the positions.

缺少威信,就不能指挥士卒去战胜敌人。If the conditions of diminished awesomeness prevail, the people will not be victorious.

禁绝士卒和亲人通信,以断绝他们思家的念头。Writing letters to families should be forbidden, this is to break all troubles of life.

军队行动,以从容不迫为主,从容不迫就能保持士卒力量的充沛。A campaign army takes measures as its prime concern so that the people's strength will be adequate.

士卒已经亲附,如果纪律仍不执行,也不能用来作战。If troops have become attached to you, but discipline is not enforced, you cannot employ them either.

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将帅对待士卒像对待自己的儿子那样,士卒就会与将帅共患难、共生死。When the general treats his troops like beloved sons, they will be willing to support and die for him.

兵器要多种多样配合使用,士卒要训练有素,要沉着镇静,阵形才能保持严整。Troops should be well-trained, and remain calm at all times, only then can the formation be well-ordered.

能使十分之一的士卒甘愿战死的,号令可使士卒贯彻执行。One who could motivate a tenth of his troops to fight till death can thoroughly execute orders given to him.

士卒已经亲近依附,但不执行军纪军法,这样的军队也不可使用。When the loyalty of the men is secured, but punishments are not enforced, such troops cannot be used either.

这样敌人就会混乱,我逃跑的士卒就会自动停止。In such circumstances, the enemy will be thrown into confusion and our fleeing soldiers will stop by themselves.

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我们都宁可作将军而不作士卒,甚至基督徒也想作「仆人的领袖」,而非普通仆人。We would rather be generals than privates. Even Christians want to be "servant-leaders, " not just plain servants.

踵军开始行动之前,应搞赏士卒,以激发他们的战斗意志。Before they move off, one should reward them to motivate them, and deploy them as the disposition of each army changes.

平时能认真执行命令,是由于将帅与士卒相互取得信任的缘故。When orders are regularly enforced, it is because of the mutual trust and confidence between the commander and his men.