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星星散布在天空上。Stars stud the sky.

野鸭们散布在各处。Ducks are spread everywhere.

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她不屑于散布流言蜚语。She is above petty gossiping.

沮丧失望情绪的散布者。A pedlar of gloom and despondency.

灌木散布于树林之中。Bushes were interspersed among trees.

村庄散布在山林之中。The villages straggle in the mountains.

灌木丛散布于树林间。Bushes are interspersed among the trees.

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房子零乱地散布在乡间。Houses straggled across the countryside.

散布谣言的人自己就可以跟那个男人交配。the gossiper mates with the man herself.

对“黄祸”的恐惧一时散布欧洲。Fears of a “yellow peril” stalked Europe.

他们散布了反法资料。They disseminated anti-French propaganda.

村庄零零落落地散布在山脚下。When the tree falls, the monkeys scatter.

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薰衣草田散布于吕贝隆地区的乡间。Lavender fields dot the Luberon countryside.

佝偻的金属桌子散布在有树的广场。Rickety metal tables dotted the treed square.

宛如魔方星星点点散布在河床In shapes like bits of puzzle strew the bottom

阻止这些小广告的散布是道德的吗?Is it ethical to prohibit the delivery of spam?

图案里散布着许多小点。Small dots were interspersed among the pattern.

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所以功率也是,散布在速率上的力。So power is also force dotted with the velocity.

散布他的言词,使得非信徒离开地球。Spread his word for non-believers left on earth.

海上浮现岛屿散布般的云影。The sea was islanded with the shadows of clouds.