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中科会致力研究科学及高科技。Academia Sinica is devoted to researching science and technology.

第五章,中科博微公司团队建设对策。The fifth chapter, Shenyang Microcyber Inc team constructs the countermeasure.

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最后介绍了中科红旗的两个集群系统产品负载集群和高可用性集群。In the end introduces Reg flag Load Balance cluster and High Availaibility cluster.

深圳市中科诺数码科技有限公司是集研发,生产,销售于一体的大型高新技术企业。Is set research and development, production and sales in one of the major high-tech enterprises.

我啊?我用的口琴是国光牌,在中科时尚数码城买的,28孔的.。It is a 28 hole harmonica of GuoGuang, which was bought from the Zhongke Fashion Digital Emporium.

凯雷的祖文萃从中科智董事会辞职,但仍在同这家公司的管理层合作,以。Carlyle's Tsou resigned from the board, but is still working with management to address the issues.

深圳市丰岛机电设备有限公司是香港中科昌泰集团旗下专营电源产品的中国南方窗口公司。Shenzhen Toshima E & M Equipment Ltd. is the window company in South China under the Sinomac Group.

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商业周刊第二届·体育界最具商业潜质的100位名人中科比位列第28位。Bryant ranked No. 28 in BusinessWeek's second annual list of the 100 most powerful people in sports.

与小牛的比赛中科比得到52分,2天之后他又在最后时刻拯救了球队。Two nights after scoring 52 points against Dallas, Bryant saved his dramatics for the final minutes.

产品的高科技化,不断进取的精神奠定了中科人在水处理领域佼佼者的地位。Advanced technology and initiative spirit determine our leading position in the industry of water treatment.

美容中科大夫陈焕然发明,曩昔两年来男性救治者的人数在慢剧增进。Chen Huanran, a cosmetic surgeon, has seen the numbers of male patients pick up considerably in the past two years.

中科合成油在贵州也规划了煤制油项目,目前已经完成了预可研。Synfuels China also planned a huge CTL plant in Guizhou Province and prepared a pre-feasibility study on the project.

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但樊洪光说,中科红旗已经根据新规申报了产品,他比较有把握。Fan says Red Flag has already applied for accreditation for its products under the new rules, and that he's not worried.

为惠顾中科的广大客户提供优质、便捷、满意的自费出国留学服务是中科公司的服务宗旨。The tenet of LOS-CAS is to offer high quality, convenient and satisfied service of self-funded overseas-study to our customers.

中科安福科技股份有限公司成立于2001年,是从事计算机软件设计开发及系统集成的高科技企业。Was established in 2001, is engaged in computer software and system integration design and development of high-tech enterprises.

李鹏表示相信,在双方的共同努力下,中科友谊一定会在新世纪得到更大发展。Li expressed the belief that with joint efforts, China-Cote d'Ivoire friendship will achieve greater development in the new century.

位于北京的中科京工环氧地坪公司,一线品牌,精湛的施工工艺,环氧地坪涂料价格特别优惠!Beijing Branch is located in Beijings Workers Epoxy company, brands, superb construction technology, epoxy floor coatings Special Offer!

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整张专辑贯穿以一系列诡异的幽默,在专辑封面照片中科恩在背景中手持香蕉皮得以暗示。The whole album has a streak of sly humor running through it, hinted at by the album cover photograph of Cohen in shades posing with a banana peel.

为此,亚化咨询对中科合成油的技术和相关项目做了调研,并将部分结果向业内公布如下。No, ASIACHEM has made a research on Synfuels China F-T technology and applied projects, and report part of the results to the industry as the following.

香河中科电源科技有限公司是香河唯一一家国家批准并发证的企业,注册商标为”迈越“。Xianghe in the Division Power Technology Co. , Ltd. is the only one Xianghe ratification and certification of enterprises, the registered trademark is "a step more."