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一掌落叶随风飘荡,我就是落叶。I am that leaf.

还是只是到处随风飘荡。Stupid is as stupid does.

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你们这些风啊,为何如此哀戚地飘荡!You winds, why waft so sadly.

蓝军旗帜飘荡在南非的天空。Italian Azzurro on African sky.

在山丘和谷地上飘荡。That floats on high oer vales hills.

飘荡在花与琴的海洋。Floating in the sea flower and Jensen.

在山丘和谷地上飘荡。That floats on high or vales and hills.

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麻雀在吱吱喳喳地叫着,空气中飘荡着欢歌笑语。There were laughter and song in the air.

彩旗在风中飘荡。Coloured flags were flapping in the wind.

在山丘和谷地上飘荡。That floats on high o′er vales and hills.

在山丘和谷地上飘荡。That floats on hight o'er vales and hills.

奶油的周围飘荡着干酪的味道。The butter has an odor of cheese about it.

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你必流离飘荡在地上。You will be a restless wanderer on the earth.

面纱的自欺欺人飘荡通过我的眼睛“。Veil of self-deceiving Blowin ' through my eyes.

我四处飘荡,好似夏日里的一朵云。I float along like a summer cloud or so it seems.

那不就像浮云一样,随处飘荡吗?Is it just like the cloud, flying over everywhere?

他们还可以随风飘荡很远的距离。And they can be carried long distances by the wind.

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他常年在外飘荡,对什么人都毫不戒惧。He drifts outside all year round, afraid of nobody.

当你们的灵魂随风飘荡时It is when your spirit goes wandering upon the wind

当安娜把香草压碎时,空气�飘荡著甜香。When Anna crushed the herbs, the air smelled sweet.