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经脉中的气血运行是循环贯注的,如环无端。Qi and blood in the meridians circulate in cycles.

足太阳经,足少阴经的经脉循行。The circulation of Foot -Taiyang, Foot-Shaoyinmeridians.

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足阳明经、足太阴经的经脉循行。The circulation of Foot-Yangming, Foot-Taiyin meridians.

手少阴经、手太阳经的经脉循行。The circulation of Hand-Shaoyin, Hand-Taiyang meridians.

手太阴经、手阳明经的经脉循行。The circulation of Hand-Taiyin, Hand-Yangming meridians.

分析讲解督脉、任脉的经脉循行。To explain the circulation of Du Meridian, Ren Meridian.

人们到了老年经脉气血缺乏,面色少华。People get old meridians Qi and blood deficiency, a small.

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足阳明胃经脉大血多、气盛阳旺。The Stomach Meridian of Foot-Yangming abounds in qi and blood.

阴跷穴在经脉上是处于主要地位的。Yin Qiao acupuncture point at the meridian is the main status.

分析讲解足太阳经,足少阴经的经脉循行。Explain the circulation of Foot -Taiyang, Foot-Shaoyinmeridians.

分析讲解手厥阴经,手少阳经的经脉循行。Explain the circulation of Hand-Jueyin, Hand-Shaoyang meridians.

分析讲解手少阴、手太阳经的经脉循行。Explain the circulation of Hand-Shaoyin, Hand-Taiyang meridians.

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分析讲解手太阴经、手阳明经的经脉循行。Explain the circulation of Hand-Taiyin, Hand-Yangming meridians.

脊柱中有三条主要的经脉,被称为左脉、右脉和中脉。In the spine there are three major nadis known as ida, pingala and sushumna.

重点掌握十二经脉的循行特点和分布特点。Mastering the law of Circulation and Distribution of the Twelve Main Meridians.

另一项研究是把苹果酱样品经脉动电场处理后,再经微热处理。Another study subjected applesauce samples to PEF followed by mild heat treatment.

文章试就此问题的提出及十二经脉气血运行始自手太阴肺经的四个方面论述之。In this paper it has expounded the issue at this point through the four directions.

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RCG意在打通医疗机构的经脉,只为更好的沟通。RCG makes efforts to make medical organs run smoothly to realize better communication.

它们一路上修复着雁南飞受伤的经脉、骨肉。They mend wild goose all the way south to fly disabled blood vessels, blood relationship.

人体运行气血的通道。包括经脉和络脉两部分,其中纵行的干线称为经脉。Jingluois the channel human blood is running including meridians and collaterals two parts.