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他说那种话来污辱我。He insulted me by saying that.

那个年轻妇女被人污辱了。The young woman has been interfered with.

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是谁干那种事,谁那样污辱胜利?Who does this? Who thus soils the triumph?

假如你继续用这种污辱的话刺激她,她可能变得很难对付。If you keep goading her with those insults she may turn nasty.

不要从你本身的袋里掏出勋绩借给你的伴侣,这是污辱他的。do not insult your friend by lending him merits from your own pocket.

那些成功地经受了严峻考验的人们或许会污辱他的名声。Those who have triumphantly withstood such strains may brand his name.

不要从你本身的袋里取出勋劳借给你的伴侣,这是污辱他的。Do not insult your friend by lending hellom merits from your own pocket.

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正是这个原因,智慧受到污辱的新一代伊朗人全体奋起反抗。That is why a whole new generation of Iranians, their intelligence insulted, has risen.

烟草业游说团体称,此举是“对吸烟者的一种污辱’”。Tobacco lobby groups said the move was part of an "ongoing campaign to stigmatize smokers."

它制服了无产阶级先锋队,践踏了马克思主义,污辱了布尔什维克党。It cowed the revolutionary vanguard, trampled upon Marxism, prostituted the Bolshevik party.

那麽,所有被时代践踏、污辱、伤害的人都是。Then, all people who had been treaded on, insulted, and hurt, fall into the group of losers.

在许多社会中,它们使患者,特别是女性患者遭受他人的污辱,生不如死。In many societies, the social stigma they cause, especially for women, is a fate worse than death.

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其实只有阿默农一人死了。自从阿默农污辱了他的妹妹塔玛尔那日起,阿贝沙隆就决定了这事。Only Amnon is dead, for Absalom had decided to kill him from the day Amnon raped his sister Tamar.

昂纳斯在这些充满反同性恋的污辱之词以及赤裸裸的提到性的录像里还担任了角色。Honors also stars in the videos, which are filled with anti-gay slurs and sexually explicit references.

这位“新闻有限公司”的负责人还表示,这种电话窃听是对良好新闻事业的一种公然污辱。The News Limited chief has also said that the phone hacking scandal was “an affront” to good journalism.

打死我也不会再帮你妈妈买一根毛线,那毛衣穿在你身对我是污辱!I would not have killed your mother to help buy a sweater, wearing a sweater in your body for me is to insult!

忌讳别人冲他伸舌头。认为这种举止是污辱人的动作。Taboo other people stretches tongue towards him. Think that this habit is to level insults at people's action.

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污辱泰王是重罪,但批评者指责政府利用这向罪名来扼制异议分子。Insult king is a felony, but critics accused the government to curb the use of these dissidents to the charges.

特别是那些病人与污辱尿症状的紧迫性和频率受益于这种治疗。In particular those patients with the stigmatizing symptoms urinary urgency and frequency benefit from such treatment.

居民都成群结队的从房屋涌出,共同祈祷,因为圣所快要遭受污辱。People rushed out of their houses in great confusion to pray together because the Holy Place was about to be profaned.