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不在洛杉矶,你抗拒地大喊。Not in LA you shout defiantly.

抗拒是经常的事。What often follows is pushback.

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他再也抗拒不住她的魅力。He could resist her charm no longer.

你是允许者或者抗拒者。You are the allower or the resister.

“公平贸易”,谁能抗拒?Fair trade -- who could object to that?

抗拒它等于强化了它,这事在试探上特别真确。This is especially true with temptation.

我对你的爱就像飞蛾扑火不可抗拒。I love your fire like moths irresistible.

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你如何抗拒变革的意识How could you resist that sense of change?

我家大宝很喜欢这种湿巾,从来不抗拒。My toddler loves them and does not resist.

改革浪潮是不可抗拒的。The raging trend of reforms is irresistible.

然而,还是有些人抗拒不了蜜蜂。However, some people cannot resist honeybees.

这就是这性男人性感和难以抗拒的原因。That's what makes a man sexy and irresistible.

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的礼服是难以抗拒的!Empire-cut dresses are hard to resist—so don't!

那画很美,它无可抗拒地吸引了他。There was beauty, and it drew him irresistibly.

基督山用一种不可抗拒的口吻问道。demanded the irresistible voice of Monte Cristo.

试问谁能抗拒家乡的南瓜饼的味道?But who among us can resist homemade pumpkin pie?

然而,大部分学校和父母抗拒这个主意。However, most schools and parents resist the idea.

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干么要抗拒诱惑——今后来的还多着呢。Why resist temptation – there will always be more.

夕阳西下时的校园,有着不可抗拒的美丽。The sundowners campus, with the irresistible beauty.

再说,谁能抗拒以巧克力开始的一天呢?Plus, who can resist starting the day with chocolate?