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河北作家孙犁的作品在方言词语运用方面呈现出“素淡”的特色。Sun Li uses a quite number of Hebei dialects in the plain description.

在你的心上,我是一篇飘逸恬静的散文,是一幅素淡的图画。In your heart, i am a delicate and elegant essay and a beautiful and refined picture.

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在我的心中,你是一篇飘逸恬静的散文,是一幅清雅素淡的图画。In my heart , you are a delicate and elegant essay and a beautiful and refined picture.

以素求绚、纯朴素淡,追求具象传神的形象刻画。The charm of the works comes from simplicity and elegance, pursuing the vivid and lifelike sculpture.

秋光么!那是一个个素淡的日子叠加起来的殷实,晶莹玉润。是沧海桑田瞬间凝固后的平静淡定。Autumn light! It was a quiet day together rich, crystal jade run. Is the moment of calm calm after solidification.

自然素淡,实用充满灵气,富有节奏感,给予您舒适的感觉。Bing natural, practical, and comfortable, the adjustable backs can be adjusted freely, they are necessary for you.

她拣了一小束花,其中有一朵鲜艳的,两三朵素淡的,衬着几片深绿色叶儿。She had selected a little bouquet of one brilliant and two or three delicate flowers, relieved by a spray of dark verdure.

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如果想吃生菜、西红柿和蛋黄酱,就点“加料的”新奥尔良穷小子,也可点素淡的“不加料的”穷小子。You order a New Orleans poor boy “dressed” if you want lettuce, tomato, and mayonnaise or “undressed” if you want it plain.

我们迂回着绕过这些记忆,给一切都笼上了一袭素淡的外套,而死亡就像是褪了色的背景幕布。As we skirt along these memories, we clothe everything in the same quiet garb, and death looks like a backdrop whose colors have faded.

让我觉得有点冲击的是,宫殿里面相当的素淡,小卧室里面除了一张简单的单人床空无一物,浴室也一样简简单单。It strikes me that the interior of this palace is very sober. The small bedroom has nothing but a simple little single bed and also the bathroom is very basic.

事实上,专门小组给加热的、素淡油的名次比加热的、更贵的加州特级纯油高,因为加州油的辣味平衡被辛辣味掩盖了。In fact the panel ranked the heated light oil higher than the heated pricey California extra-virgin oil, whose pungency was no longer balanced by a spicy aroma and had become overbearing.